With the giant fiasco going on in Iowa, there is one small rumor from last week that now suddenly has a lot more credibility, as crazy as it may sound. Last week, Hillary Clinton made some minor waves when it was reported that she was very interested in the role of vice president on the Democratic ticket. This was interesting for several reasons, the main one being that Hillary had previously made it a point…
Read MoreMichael Bloomberg has spent $125 million to move up 2.4 points in national polls. That’s $52 million per percentage point.
Maybe Michael Bloomberg isn’t such a great businessman after all. At least not when it comes to returns on investment regarding his presidential campaign. According to the Real Clear Politics polling averages, Bloomberg entered the crowded 2020 field polling at around 2.4%. After a massive and unprecedented ad spend which I wrote about here, he has spent $125 million in televisions and social media ads. This translates to $52 million dollars per percentage point increase…
Read MoreSay a prayer for Wilmington, North Carolina. Residents there are being forced to endure 36 Bloomberg TV ads per day!
There’s yet another shocking statistic regarding Michael Bloomberg’s nationwide campaign to prove just how rich and out of touch he really is. As I’ve written about before, Bloomberg has chose to run a “national” campaign, one in which he quarterbacks the whole operation from his main office in New York and only communicates to voters through lazy television ads in various states. But just how many TV ads is Bloomberg buying? According to Advertising Analytics…
Read MoreDemocrat’s have officially run the impeachment well dry. There is nothing left for them to get out it.
In many ways, Wednesday was a sad day for this country. A vote for impeachment that was all started by a CIA plant claiming to be a whistleblower. It’s about as prime of an example of a “deep state” coup as you can get, yet here we are. But looking at it another way, it’s a positive thing. The Democrats have been milking the impeachment threat for two for years, and non-stop for the last…
Read MoreFrom Parkland to Greta – How Progressives use children as human shields for their terrible policy ideas.
As poor little Greta Thunberg continues to be exploited by her elite Progressive handlers, it brings up a sad fact about how the far-left hides behind children to avoid criticism of their terrible and destructive policy ideas. It’s a unique tactic as you don’t really see it at all on the right or among Conservatives. This constant use of children to be the face of your chosen policy or ideological movement. This is almost exclusively…
Read MoreThe dangers of artificial intelligence are already present in the algorithmic control of social media and search.
If you plan on creating any sort of content to be consumed on the internet, be it a written blog, a Facebook post, a YouTube video, or an Instagram account, the success of that content is at the whims of the now infamous “algorithm”. As most people are aware by now, the algorithms behind these platforms and Google search results decides who sees your content, and whether or not that content gets promoted. However, there…
Read MoreThe IG Report proves the FBI is nothing more than a domestic spying agency masquerading as a law enforcement agency.
From the early days when J. Edgar Hoover was running the FBI and gathering personal information on politicians, it has always been and still is nothing more than a domestic spying agency. The FBI simply masquerades as a law enforcement agency as cover for their true purpose. If you don’t believe that, then ask yourself why are they so seemingly incompetent when it comes to actual law enforcement investigations. In virtually every high profile FBI…
Read MoreThere’s something fishy about the 2020 Democratic field – But what is it?
There’s something that’s been bothering me about the candidates on the Democratic side as we move into the 2020 election. And no, it’s not just their insane platform and total incompetence – well, the incompetence actually is part of my skepticism. But not for the obvious reason yo would think. First off, I can disagree with a Democratic candidate but still admit they would be a strong candidate. For example in 2016 Bernie Sanders could…
Read MoreCBS News hilariously tries to portray a confused and cranky Joe Biden as a “prize fighter”.
CBS News and reporter Ed O’keefe sunk to a new low in their coverage of Biden’s latest gaffe where he called a voter “fat” after being asked about his son Hunter. During their televised segment aired on CBS News, Ed O’keefe tries to distort reality by portraying an old and confused Biden as a “prize fighter” pacing back and forth and fighting back. The reality is that the only thing about Joe Biden resembling a…
Read MoreFeminist friendly fire – How woke feminist outrage killed the acting career of “Peloton girl”
By now I’m sure you’ve heard of the silly feminist backlash over the Peloton exercise bike commercial. If you haven’t, it’s almost too silly for me to even recap so feel free to spare yourself and click away while you can. But for those that have heard about the absurd backlash, there is something all the feminists and woke white knights seemed to have missed in all their outrage. They destroyed a WOMAN’S acting career…
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