Former CDC Director Robert Redfield says bird flu will be the “Great Pandemic”. Says within months it could be engineered for human-to-human transmission

Former CDC Director Robert Redfield says bird flu will be the “Great Pandemic”. Says within months it could be engineered for human-to-human transmission

Is this going to be the election surprise we’re all afraid of? Former CDC Director Robert Redfield told NewsNation that he believes the current bird flu outbreak in cattle will be the next “Great Pandemic”. During the interview, he also suggested that dangerous gain-of-function research will cause the bird flu outbreak to spread to humans. It almost seems Redfield knows what’s coming but can’t quite say it out loud. While explaining the current bird flu…

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The current mainstream media narrative (propaganda): Government is the victim. Censorship is good.

The current mainstream media narrative (propaganda): Government is the victim. Censorship is good.

The current state of affairs we are all living in has been absurd for so long that many things about it aren’t even noticed anymore. Perhaps some would call this fate “normalization”, while others may see it simply as the Overton window shifting drastically to one direction. Either way, the current mainstream and establishment media narrative is beyond ridiculous. For starters, most of what is published now is based on the idea that the government…

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With the lockdowns now proven ineffective, how does the media explain that they labeled anti-lockdown sentiment as “Russian misinformation”?

With the lockdowns now proven ineffective, how does the media explain that they labeled anti-lockdown sentiment as “Russian misinformation”?

Even though it was obvious the lockdowns most likely weren’t working and were causing immeasurable short and long term harm, it has now been confirmed. A recent study by John Hopkins University shows that overall the lockdowns reduced covid cases by just .02%. So essentially they were worthless. Of course, anyone with common sense knew that. But now that it’s proven, it brings up an interesting culpability for the mainstream media. As I’m sure you…

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The media hates Joe Rogan because he’s become a platform now. Any guest on his show is immediately part of the national conversation. They always attack platforms they can’t control.

The media hates Joe Rogan because he’s become a platform now. Any guest on his show is immediately part of the national conversation. They always attack platforms they can’t control.

I’m sure you’ve been following the controversy surrounding Joe Rogan during the entire pandemic. Over time, it has grown and now it seems has reached a tipping point with even the Surgeon General publicly stating that his “misinformation” needs to be dealt with. But the most interesting part of all this is that Joe Rogan himself isn’t really who the media have an issue with. Rogan never really says anything that outlandish and in fact,…

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Know your media – Forbes is a majority Chinese owned company.

Know your media – Forbes is a majority Chinese owned company.

If you’ve spent any time on message boards or social media, I’m sure you’ve seen plenty of people arguing this or that and then posting links to back up their claims. One link you probably see pretty often is from Forbes. The once trusted business news source still has value in its name, and most people still feel it’s a reputable news source. But what most people don’t know is that Forbes is a majority…

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All independent news outlets in Hong Kong have now been shut down. What comes next?

All independent news outlets in Hong Kong have now been shut down. What comes next?

It didn’t take long for the fear to set in and work exactly as intended. Just a week ago, Stand News, one of the largest independent news outlets in Hong Kong was raided by police for what they claim was “stirring up hatred for the government and the judiciary”. (Stirring up “hate”….Does that sound familiar to how social media companies justify banning people here in the U.S.?) During the raid on Stand News, Hong Kong…

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Knowingly or unknowingly, did the Rogan/Malone interview signal the start of the vaccine rug-pull?

Knowingly or unknowingly, did the Rogan/Malone interview signal the start of the vaccine rug-pull?

Like it or not, Joe Rogan is without a doubt one of the most powerful forces in modern media. With tens of millions of loyal listeners to his podcast and tens of millions more casual listeners, no other outlet has the audience he does. In fact, one single clip from a Joe Rogan podcast on YouTube often has more viewers than the cable news channels combined. That’s really saying something. So when Dr. Malone, the…

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Latest numbers show mainstream news sites down almost 50% in viewers. But will this cause the establishment to increase censorship to protect its legacy media?

Latest numbers show mainstream news sites down almost 50% in viewers. But will this cause the establishment to increase censorship to protect its legacy media?

At this point there can be no debate, the legacy mainstream media has exhausted what was left of its legitimacy and is now operating in full view as a propaganda outlet for the establishment. The majority of the public seems to have now caught on to that fact as the latest numbers show mainstream news sites such a The Washington Post are down nearly 50% in viewership. CNN, the joke of cable news, is down…

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A major shakeup is happening across cable news. Are we about to see the transition from softcore propaganda to hardcore propaganda?

A major shakeup is happening across cable news. Are we about to see the transition from softcore propaganda to hardcore propaganda?

In case you haven’t noticed, there is a huge shakeup going on across all the major news channels. Most famously was the departure of Chris Cuomo from CNN. Despite the official reason being given that he was punished for coordinating with his brother to help squash sexual misconduct allegations, there was a bigger story at play behind the scenes. CNN is looking to completely restructure, and insiders are claiming that almost all the current on-air…

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The Maxwell trial is meant to solidify Epstein’s image as a simple sex trafficker, instead of the sprawling intelligence operation that he represented.

The Maxwell trial is meant to solidify Epstein’s image as a simple sex trafficker, instead of the sprawling intelligence operation that he represented.

With the Maxwell trial about to finish and the outcome likely to disappoint just about everyone, it should be clear what the real purpose of the trial was. For starters, the trial has nothing to do with punishing Maxwell or trying to uncover what she was really up to. That’s why nothing exposed in the trial was anything we haven’t already heard. It was all old information that has been floating around for over a…

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