Hack writer for The Atlantic Rachel Gutman declares we are all living “in the age of Omicron”.

Hack writer for The Atlantic Rachel Gutman declares we are all living “in the age of Omicron”.

Considering the needlessly breathless article spit out by Rachel Gutman of The Atlantic, she may be so clueless as to not even know she’s working for a propaganda rag. The Atlantic is a long time propaganda publication, similar to The Washington Post and New York Times in that literally everybody who follows the media knows it. This is why those publications have been reduced to offering their content for a measly $1 a month. They…

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The media has been so extremely pro-vaccine that even if people started dropping dead in the street from it, they would never cover the story. It will always remain a “conspiracy”.

The media has been so extremely pro-vaccine that even if people started dropping dead in the street from it, they would never cover the story. It will always remain a “conspiracy”.

I don’t have to tell many of you how the mainstream media has gone all-in on vaccines. Not only the news, but the entire media establishment, from social media, to the news, to celebrities and Hollywood. They’ve spent two years yelling at people to get the covid-19 vaccine. They’ve used insults, threats, and shame to make anyone unvaccinated feel like a criminal, and those who did get vaccinated feel like heroes. All of that is…

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The Thanksgiving Day Omicron media blitz is starting to look like it was an experiment to gauge the public’s reaction.

The Thanksgiving Day Omicron media blitz is starting to look like it was an experiment to gauge the public’s reaction.

We all know the establishment covid cabal loves to destroy and ruin traditional Western holidays. Ever since the pandemic started, officials seem unusually focused on restricting how people choose to celebrate or worship during traditional Western holidays like Christmas, Thanksgiving, or Easter. Governors and officials like Dr. Fauci have even gone so far as trying to restrict what instruments you’re allowed to play in your own home during holiday gatherings. Even more bizarre, before this…

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China has escaped all responsibility for releasing covid-19. Not only that, the American media portrays them as the victim when they come under any scrutiny. What’s going on?

China has escaped all responsibility for releasing covid-19. Not only that, the American media portrays them as the victim when they come under any scrutiny. What’s going on?

As we approach two years of the never-ending pandemic, with some experts saying this could go on for decades, where is the blame for China’s role in this global disaster? Just for the sake of discussion, let’s put aside whether the release was intentional or accidental, as that’s a subject for another article. But for now, let’s stick with the facts. The virus obviously came from the Chinese lab in Wuhan, China. Virtually every expert…

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Dr. Fauci used American taxpayer dollars to fund Chinese scientists to engineer the first ever airborne vascular disease. But somehow this pandemic is all your fault.

Dr. Fauci used American taxpayer dollars to fund Chinese scientists to engineer the first ever airborne vascular disease. But somehow this pandemic is all your fault.

The amount of mental gymnastics surrounding the current pandemic situation is enough to give those competing at the Olympics a run for their money. As was suspected very early on and is now being confirmed, Dr. Fauci did indeed play a role in the funding of Chinese scientists and their “gain of function” research to make certain bat viruses more deadly. This is a confirmed fact at this point. The only defense that Dr. Fauci…

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Having reservations about vaccine safety is a totally rational position. The fact that the media portrays that position as a total caricature shows why they no longer have any credibility.

Having reservations about vaccine safety is a totally rational position. The fact that the media portrays that position as a total caricature shows why they no longer have any credibility.

I want to start off by saying that I am in no way against anyone getting the covid vaccine if they choose to do so. It’s a personal choice and I have no problem with it either way. However, what we are witnessing in the media and by our politicians is completely disingenuous and often outright dishonest. The truth is, the current crop of covid-19 vaccines use a new technology known as an mRNA delivery…

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McAfee most likely didn’t have dirt on anyone. But his high profile made him the perfect target to be made an example of for those that might.

McAfee most likely didn’t have dirt on anyone. But his high profile made him the perfect target to be made an example of for those that might.

Despite all of John McAfee’s Tweets about having dirt on corrupt officials at the highest levels of government, he most likely didn’t have any of that. But ironically, it was his threats of having information that most likely led to his own downfall. If you remember not that along ago there was a release of documents known as the Panama Papers. It exposed the illegal money operations of some of the wealthiest people in the…

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Even if the release of covid-19 from the Wuhan lab was totally accidental, the Chinese did nothing to slow its international spread. This makes it no different than if they intentionally released the virus.

Even if the release of covid-19 from the Wuhan lab was totally accidental, the Chinese did nothing to slow its international spread. This makes it no different than if they intentionally released the virus.

As is often the case, the real truth of a large global event is spoon fed to the public in small doses so they don’t realize how badly officials lied to them in the first place. The story regarding the origins of covid-19 are turning out to be no different. As I’m sure you’re well aware, the media spent an entire year assuring the public that there was no chance the virus came from the…

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The media dismisses vaccine deaths as “one in a million”, but those same odds for a young, healthy person dying from covid are labeld as “covid denial”.

The media dismisses vaccine deaths as “one in a million”, but those same odds for a young, healthy person dying from covid are labeld as “covid denial”.

With news of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine being halted in the U.S. after fatal side effects have been observed, it is showing yet another double standard in the way the media portrays the dangers of covid. As I wrote about here, a bombshell report by the Telegraph shows that governments have intentionally used psychological tactics to report covid-19 facts in a way that maximizes fear. Now it seems those same health officials are doing…

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Scientists accuse UK government of using covert psychological strategies to increase covid-19 fear and drive compliance with lockdowns.

Scientists accuse UK government of using covert psychological strategies to increase covid-19 fear and drive compliance with lockdowns.

In a bombshell report written by Gordon Rayner and published by The Telegraph, several psychologists have filed a formal complaint with the UK government over what they call “covert psychological tactics” used to increase fear among the British public. Many of these accusations are based on a piece of evidence from the very beginning of the pandemic in March of 2020. In a document prepared for the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) in March,…

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