The Twitter files open high-ranking government officials to billions in legal liability for violating the rights of Americans.

The Twitter files open high-ranking government officials to billions in legal liability for violating the rights of Americans.

It’s been less than 24 hours since Elon Musk fulfilled his promise of releasing the internal memos regarding the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story on Twitter. I won’t go into details about the whole affair as I know my readers are already well versed on this topic. But what I want to add to the discussion is how the often-used justification for what Twitter did is not appropriate anymore after the latest evidence…

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October Shock: China blockades Taiwan. Russia declares all-out-war in Ukraine. Trump indicted. Euro-energy shortage. Oh yeah, and U.S. midterms.

October Shock: China blockades Taiwan. Russia declares all-out-war in Ukraine. Trump indicted. Euro-energy shortage. Oh yeah, and U.S. midterms.

October is shaping up to be the month where everything that’s been brewing starts to boil over into a complete global calamity. So let’s take a look at everything that is on the precipice. China blockades Taiwan – This seems inevitable at this point, and for some reason, top U.S. officials like Nancy Pelosi and even Joe Biden are actively egging on China to act. It’s pretty clear the U.S. secret policy is to either…

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Trump will be arrested. The plotters behind the unlawful FBI raid are deciding whether to do it before the midterms or after.

Trump will be arrested. The plotters behind the unlawful FBI raid are deciding whether to do it before the midterms or after.

This site famously predicted the FBI raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home more than 8 months before it happened. The reason we were so confident was based on the simple fact that the establishment cannot let Trump run again. They know he won in 2020, and they will not be able to manufacture enough fraudulent ballots to do it again in 2024. As we’ve also written about here several times, if the Democrats and the establishment…

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World leaders keep warning citizens about upcoming hard times and “sacrifice” for the greater good. This is exactly how they sold the lockdowns, but this time it will be to implement rationing of food and energy.

World leaders keep warning citizens about upcoming hard times and “sacrifice” for the greater good. This is exactly how they sold the lockdowns, but this time it will be to implement rationing of food and energy.

France’s Emmanuel Macron was the latest world leader join the chorus of politicians telling their citizens that the good times are over, and it’s time to sacrifice “for the greater good”. Macron starkly said that we are entering a time that marks “the end of abundance. News outlet France 24 described Macron’s speech like this. The speech appeared designed to prepare the country for what promises to be a difficult winter ahead, with energy prices…

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Elon endorsed Bitcoin, then said it was too harmful. Elon said he would buy Twitter and use it for good, then said forget about it. Elon courted the MAGA crowd, then said Trump needs to go. Notice a trend here?

Elon endorsed Bitcoin, then said it was too harmful. Elon said he would buy Twitter and use it for good, then said forget about it. Elon courted the MAGA crowd, then said Trump needs to go. Notice a trend here?

Good old Elon. The guy who runs more companies than any other CEO, yet if you follow him on social media, all he does is travel the world giving speeches, going to clubs, impregnating various women, and posting memes. People are starting to wonder if he actually runs any of these companies at all. But one thing we know he does is change his mind, and usually with disastrous results for whoever happens to be…

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Armchair psychology: It seems Hunter Biden has a subconscious desire to bring down Joe Biden as payback. What else explains him “losing” all these laptops filled with damning material.

Armchair psychology: It seems Hunter Biden has a subconscious desire to bring down Joe Biden as payback. What else explains him “losing” all these laptops filled with damning material.

This is all going to be a bit of armchair psychology. But when you start putting the pieces together regarding Hunter Biden and his antics, he clearly seems driven to destroy his dad through a series of “accidents”. Let’s start by setting the table for where all this may be stemming from. There have long been rumors, and now more than rumors, that there was abuse of a sexual nature taking place in the Biden…

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What happened in Sri Lanka shows that when united, the government’s power over the people is mostly an illusion. It’s like the lion tamer vs the lion.

What happened in Sri Lanka shows that when united, the government’s power over the people is mostly an illusion. It’s like the lion tamer vs the lion.

This past weekend, something quite remarkable happened in Sri Lanka. Fed up with out of control inflation, energy costs, and corruption, tens of thousands of civilians rushed the sprawling estate of the president. They had no guns, and they were non-violent. But the president fled the country by boat within hours and announced his resignation. What’s so fascinating is that this incident proves the idea that the power held by governments is mostly an illusion….

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In most countries, state-run propaganda tries to convince you how great the country is. In America, the state-run media tries to convince you how evil the country is. Why is that?

In most countries, state-run propaganda tries to convince you how great the country is. In America, the state-run media tries to convince you how evil the country is. Why is that?

Why is the media establishment obsessed with painting America as an evil country that was founded on evil principles? The liberal media has always leaned towards painting America as an “evil empire” country, but in the last few years, it has been cranked up to the point that even American cities are proclaiming the Fourth of July is not worth celebrating anymore. In a story that went viral, the city of Orlando, Florida put out…

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Anyone who thinks DeSantis has a chance in 2024 doesn’t realize the gigantic smear-machine the deep state has been building. He won’t even make it to the election if nominated.

Anyone who thinks DeSantis has a chance in 2024 doesn’t realize the gigantic smear-machine the deep state has been building. He won’t even make it to the election if nominated.

There’s a lot of talk about DeSantis being a possible moderate to swoop in and win the Republican nomination in 2024. There are actually two problems with this line of thinking. The first is claiming that DeSantis is a moderate, which implies Trump is not. Trump is a moderate, it’s just the media painted him as far-right and now even Republicans for falling for that propaganda. Trump was and is more moderate than most recent…

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Twitter and other social media platforms are hiring dozens of former FBI and intelligence officers for high-level content moderation jobs.

Twitter and other social media platforms are hiring dozens of former FBI and intelligence officers for high-level content moderation jobs.

If you’ve noticed that social media platforms have essentially become propaganda tools of the state, it’s not just all in your head. Alan MacLeod at Mintpress News has done some great reporting regarding the revolving door between the FBI and other intelligence agencies and Twitter. According to Macleod, Twitter is hiring dozens of former FBI agents and intelligence officers to work in high-level positions, mostly regarding content moderation. On the surface, this sounds like a…

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