Protesting is dead. The FBI and the media can spin events however they want. Here’s how you outsmart the narrative.

Protesting is dead. The FBI and the media can spin events however they want. Here’s how you outsmart the narrative.

Protesting is officially dead. You’re free to still try it, but it will have no effect. In fact, I don’t believe protesting has been effective for quite some time. The problem has become that the FBI and the media can work together to spin any protest into whatever they want. If it’s violent and they want it to be seen as peaceful, they simply declare it peaceful and the FBI puts out fake information that…

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If you think Donald J. Trump is just going to retire and live out his days on some ranch, you better think again.

If you think Donald J. Trump is just going to retire and live out his days on some ranch, you better think again.

As the election winds down and the reality of what happened is setting in on both Trump supporters and political independents, there is still hope in the air and it lies with our president, Donald Trump. While most presidents who leave office retire into obscurity only emerging to make an appearance at a charity event here and there, don’t expect Trump to follow that script. Donald Trump has been reinventing himself throughout his entire life,…

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The question nobody is asking. Where is all the security footage from the Capitol Building?

The question nobody is asking. Where is all the security footage from the Capitol Building?

If you’ve been watching the news at all over the last few days you’ve seen how the mainstream media, social media networks, and Democrats are framing the events of January 6th. The official narrative is that violent Trump supporters “stormed” the Capitol Building. But there is growing number of people who believe that Capitol police actually invited the protesters in. And they have the video to prove it. Multiple video clips from that day show…

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Trump is now the leader of the NEW Republican party. The old party died on 1-06-2021

Trump is now the leader of the NEW Republican party. The old party died on 1-06-2021

Eventually even the greatest fighters are overwhelmed by odds no man can overcome. In the case of Trump, for four years he single handidly fought China, the CIA, the FBI, Democrats, tech giants, and a fake media bent on destroying him from day one. Any other man wouldn’t have lasted a month. But Trump not only took on those enemies for 4 years, he won and still managed to accomplish more in one term than…

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The coup’s final act – Role Reversal – The overthrowers declare themselves heroes while the people are labeled as villains.

The coup’s final act – Role Reversal – The overthrowers declare themselves heroes while the people are labeled as villains.

The 4 year slow motion coup against Trump’s populist movement reached a crescendo on January 6th, just as many had predicted. People were not sure exactly how things would turn out on that day, but everybody knew it would be a historic turning point one way or the other. As it turned out, the coup perpetrators completed their final act that occurs in every coup. Once the perpetrators have illegally installed themselves into power, the…

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D.C. area police need to understand they’ll be representing police nationwide on the 6th. If they treat Trump supporters unfairly, police forces will lose their last ally in this country.

D.C. area police need to understand they’ll be representing police nationwide on the 6th. If they treat Trump supporters unfairly, police forces will lose their last ally in this country.

I fully understand that this will be a touchy subject for some. Police forces have been under attack in recent months, and I fully understand they have a very difficult job and are often put in terrible positions. So what I’m writing about here is not an attack on police, but simply an explanation of where we are in America and where police forces currently sit in that matrix. As American police forces have come…

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Republican officials and judges who are afraid to contest the election for fear of civil unrest need to understand, there’s going to be riots no matter what. So they might as well be on the right side of history when the dust settles.

Republican officials and judges who are afraid to contest the election for fear of civil unrest need to understand, there’s going to be riots no matter what. So they might as well be on the right side of history when the dust settles.

Republican officials in states such as Georgia have put their cowardice on full display. But even more sad than the fake and cowardly Conservatives like Governor Brian Kemp of Georgia, is our own Supreme Court and state judges. Out of fear of national civil unrest and riots, these Republicans, The Supreme Court, and countless state judges are refusing to hear the overwhelming evidence of voter fraud. The reason is simple and it’s why so many…

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Regardless of the election outcome, the American civil war starts on January 6th.

Regardless of the election outcome, the American civil war starts on January 6th.

For several years there has been talk about a coming American civil war. Such talk wasn’t coming from the fringes, but instead it has slowly become a mainstream talking point as far-left propaganda and fake news drives the country towards insanity. Well, if you were looking for the exact date the civil war starts, it’s looking to be January 6th, the day that congress officially counts the Electoral College votes. With the election still up…

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Strange Math – The Census Bureau reported 153 million registered and eligible voters in 2018. The vote total for the 2020 election was 155 million.

Strange Math – The Census Bureau reported 153 million registered and eligible voters in 2018. The vote total for the 2020 election was 155 million.

It looks like the 2020 Presidential election just keeps breaking records. Joe Biden’s miraculous and unbelievable come from behind victory is starting to look even more suspect when we look at the vote totals which simply don’t add up. The Census Bureau cites the number of total registered voters in America as 153.1 million in 2018 for the last national election. This is the last year we have solid, adjusted numbers. We can assume in…

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We can’t allow the Supreme Court’s lack of courage to cause us to lose our own. The fight goes on.

We can’t allow the Supreme Court’s lack of courage to cause us to lose our own. The fight goes on.

Today will be a day that will be remembered for quite some time. The Supreme Court let down the entire country with their decision to not even hear the election fraud case brought by the state of Texas and endorsed by 19 other states. President Trump echoed that sentiment in a late night Tweet on Friday, declaring that the Supreme Court has let us down. The Supreme Court really let us down. No Wisdom, No…

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