The question nobody is asking. Where is all the security footage from the Capitol Building?

The question nobody is asking. Where is all the security footage from the Capitol Building?

If you’ve been watching the news at all over the last few days you’ve seen how the mainstream media, social media networks, and Democrats are framing the events of January 6th. The official narrative is that violent Trump supporters “stormed” the Capitol Building. But there is growing number of people who believe that Capitol police actually invited the protesters in. And they have the video to prove it. Multiple video clips from that day show…

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We are winning BIG! The desperate moves by the establishment prove they are terrified of Trump and his supporters.

We are winning BIG! The desperate moves by the establishment prove they are terrified of Trump and his supporters.

As Trump might say, we are winning bigly! It may not seem like it, but a brief examination of the current situation proves that the establishment is terrified of Trump and his supporters. In fact, I would go so far as to argue that the establishment has never been more afraid of the American people than they are right now. Today was a historic day. Giant tech companies purged the president from their platforms while…

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In true Orwellian fashion, mainstream media outlets have totally inverted the terms “confirmed” and “debunked” to mean the complete opposite.

In true Orwellian fashion, mainstream media outlets have totally inverted the terms “confirmed” and “debunked” to mean the complete opposite.

The term Orwellian gets thrown around a lot these days, and sometimes it’s a bit of hyperbole. But when it comes to the current state of the mainstream media, the term is completely appropriate when describing how flagrant their propaganda and disinformation has become. One perfect example is how they have now completely inverted two important terms when it comes to journalistic integrity. The terms are “verified”, as in a story has been verified by…

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Not The Onion – Corporations fight racism and promote black inclusion by removing any trace of black characters from their logos.

Not The Onion – Corporations fight racism and promote black inclusion by removing any trace of black characters from their logos.

If there’s one thing corporations seem to have nailed down at the moment, it’s the ability to make the perfect knee-jerk reaction to social media outrage. The latest trend is for corporations to beg for acceptance from the angry woke mob by suddenly deciding that their own logos and brand images are racist simply because they happen to contain black characters or personalities. The irony here is that their actions would suggest the exact opposite…

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Americans are suffering from propaganda fatigue.

Americans are suffering from propaganda fatigue.

Americans are exhausted. Their nerves are frayed and their tempers are short. Since the beginning of 2020 they’ve been fed nothing but a steady diet of conflicting information meant to confuse and distract. Or in other words, Americans are suffering from propaganda fatigue. Much of this comes down to the pandemic we all just experienced. From the very start we were all lied to. We were lied to about the origins of the virus, we…

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Trump expertly baited Twitter into taking action against him. It’s a winning issue for him and Jack Dorsey and the media have fallen for it.

Trump expertly baited Twitter into taking action against him. It’s a winning issue for him and Jack Dorsey and the media have fallen for it.

You would think that after 3 years,Trump’s enemies would realize how he always ends up winning. Today, Twitter decided to take the unprecedented step of censoring the President of the United States. They added a disclaimer to Trump’s previous Tweets about possible voter fraud. The disclaimer provides a link to “fact check” Trump’s Tweets. The thing is, despite this being an obvious escalation of social media manipulation and election interference by tech giants, it’s actually…

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