D.C. area police need to understand they’ll be representing police nationwide on the 6th. If they treat Trump supporters unfairly, police forces will lose their last ally in this country.

D.C. area police need to understand they’ll be representing police nationwide on the 6th. If they treat Trump supporters unfairly, police forces will lose their last ally in this country.

I fully understand that this will be a touchy subject for some. Police forces have been under attack in recent months, and I fully understand they have a very difficult job and are often put in terrible positions. So what I’m writing about here is not an attack on police, but simply an explanation of where we are in America and where police forces currently sit in that matrix. As American police forces have come…

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From abortions for babies after they’re born to disbanding police departments, Progressives keep pushing ideas that have very little public support.

From abortions for babies after they’re born to disbanding police departments, Progressives keep pushing ideas that have very little public support.

There’s been this conspiracy theory floating around that is actually more of a running joke than a real theory, but I’m almost starting to believe it. The theory is that the heavily left-leaning mainstream media is secretly trying to make Democrats look ridiculous so that Trump wins another election, and the legacy media can stave off their inevitable death for 4 more years. It’s an interesting theory but the truth is that Progressives that control…

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