Strange Math – The Census Bureau reported 153 million registered and eligible voters in 2018. The vote total for the 2020 election was 155 million.

Strange Math – The Census Bureau reported 153 million registered and eligible voters in 2018. The vote total for the 2020 election was 155 million.

It looks like the 2020 Presidential election just keeps breaking records. Joe Biden’s miraculous and unbelievable come from behind victory is starting to look even more suspect when we look at the vote totals which simply don’t add up. The Census Bureau cites the number of total registered voters in America as 153.1 million in 2018 for the last national election. This is the last year we have solid, adjusted numbers. We can assume in…

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The announcement of the Hunter Biden investigation is a classic Soviet-era tactic. The establishment is letting you know they can protect or destroy anyone they want to.

The announcement of the Hunter Biden investigation is a classic Soviet-era tactic. The establishment is letting you know they can protect or destroy anyone they want to.

There’s another layer to the admission that there has been an ongoing investigation into Hunter Biden despite the media telling everyone before the election that such allegations were false. The truth is, they aren’t really investigating Hunter Biden in any meaningful way. The FBI has known all about his dealings for years, they did nothing then and they will do nothing now. The true reason it was admitted that he is under investigation is two-fold….

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Three key (non) events that suggest the election results will be overturned in favor of Trump

Three key (non) events that suggest the election results will be overturned in favor of Trump

While the media has started their full court press in earnest on Monday in an attempt to remove all doubt that their declared winner Joe Biden actually is the next president, there are some very clear signs that even the Biden camp knows it’s not going to last. Below are three key elements that suggest the Biden camp, as well as Democrats know that their winner is soon going to have that title stripped. China…

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The plan is already in place. Delay the election results while the media incites protests and unrest. The goal will be to make the public more willing to accept any result to end the unrest no matter how shady those results seem.

The plan is already in place. Delay the election results while the media incites protests and unrest. The goal will be to make the public more willing to accept any result to end the unrest no matter how shady those results seem.

For those paying attention, and even for those not paying attention, it’s pretty obvious that 2020 is hardly a normal election year. We’ve seen the same playbook from 2016, but this time amplified several times over. Media-driven racial division mixed with a rigged Democratic primary that has produced a senile puppet candidate, all mixed in with an overblown pandemic and you have one of the crazier election cycles in modern history. But if you think…

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The DNC party rules have no guidelines to follow if their nominee withdraws. If Biden dropped out after securing the nomination, the DNC can simply appoint anyone they want.

The DNC party rules have no guidelines to follow if their nominee withdraws. If Biden dropped out after securing the nomination, the DNC can simply appoint anyone they want.

After Tuesday’s primary voting in Missouri and Michigan, it’s almost impossible for Bernie Sanders to mount a comeback and it now appears as though Joe Biden will earn the Democratic nomination this year. Of course, Biden’s completely unprecedented and impossible political comeback is very suspect, and I go into detail about that fact here. But for now I want to focus on Joe Biden being the nominee and what would happen if he dropped out…

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Side-by-side photo shows how drastically Joe Biden has aged since 2016. At this rate, could he even last another four years?

Side-by-side photo shows how drastically Joe Biden has aged since 2016. At this rate, could he even last another four years?

After last weeks completely unprecedented and almost impossible to believe surge by Joe Biden, it appears as though he is indeed the chosen candidate of the Democratic establishment and will ultimately get the nomination. But now as the honeymoon phase is beginning to wear off, even Democratic voters are having second thoughts about Biden’s health as he continues to struggle with memory loss at virtually every public appearance. At this point it’s no secret that…

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So a senile, gaffe-prone presidential candidate who thinks he’s running for the senate just pulled off the greatest political comeback ever?

So a senile, gaffe-prone presidential candidate who thinks he’s running for the senate just pulled off the greatest political comeback ever?

We should all feel lucky that we got to witness history in the making on Tuesday night. But it’s not the kind of history that the pundits on CNN were going on and on about as the primary numbers were coming in. Instead, it was a much darker historical moment. A moment where everyone witnessed an obviously rigged election process and the mainstream media just pretended it was all business as usual. The Biden “comeback”…

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The real question nobody is asking. Why is the DNC pushing for a candidate they know nobody wants to vote for?

The real question nobody is asking. Why is the DNC pushing for a candidate they know nobody wants to vote for?

Today the overall plan of the DNC started to come into focus.We got a preview Sunday when Pete Buttigieg mysteriously and abruptly dropped out of the race only to immediately endorse Joe Biden. Within 24 hours, Biden was racking up endorsements left and right. I guess everyone just decided to endorse Joe Biden on the same day and within the same hour. No coordination to see here, folks! So after seeing the events unfold today…

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Biden’s failure in Iowa shows that even Democratic voters don’t believe the fake mainstream media anymore.

Biden’s failure in Iowa shows that even Democratic voters don’t believe the fake mainstream media anymore.

There’s still a lot to unpack after the fiasco in Iowa on Monday, but one aspect that may be overlooked is how it all points to the diminishing power of the mainstream media. There is no question that the mainstream media ran protection for Joe Biden, his campaign, and even his family. Evidence has been mounting for months that Joe Biden and his family were involved in extreme corruption in regards to his dealings with…

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The train wreck in Iowa fuels rumors the DNC is attempting to force a Biden/Clinton ticket on voters.

The train wreck in Iowa fuels rumors the DNC is attempting to force a Biden/Clinton ticket on voters.

With the giant fiasco going on in Iowa, there is one small rumor from last week that now suddenly has a lot more credibility, as crazy as it may sound. Last week, Hillary Clinton made some minor waves when it was  reported that she was very interested in the role of vice president on the Democratic ticket. This was interesting for several reasons, the main one being that Hillary had previously made it a point…

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