Strange Math – The Census Bureau reported 153 million registered and eligible voters in 2018. The vote total for the 2020 election was 155 million.

Strange Math – The Census Bureau reported 153 million registered and eligible voters in 2018. The vote total for the 2020 election was 155 million.

It looks like the 2020 Presidential election just keeps breaking records. Joe Biden’s miraculous and unbelievable come from behind victory is starting to look even more suspect when we look at the vote totals which simply don’t add up. The Census Bureau cites the number of total registered voters in America as 153.1 million in 2018 for the last national election. This is the last year we have solid, adjusted numbers. We can assume in…

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There’s a new member of the silent majority – Independent and swing voters who suspect there was election fraud but are afraid to speak up.

There’s a new member of the silent majority – Independent and swing voters who suspect there was election fraud but are afraid to speak up.

Even though this election is yet to be determined, one thing is clear. The silent majority that Donald Trump spoke of on the campaign trail was 100% real. They turned out in record numbers, and pushed Trump past Barack Obama’s previous record for total votes. And these were REAL votes, not fraudulent votes. Not to mention, this doesn’t even take into consideration how many votes were taken away from Trump during the soon-to-be-exposed widespread fraud…

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