China’s influence continues. NYSE refuses to follow Trump’s executive order. Will not delist Chinese military companies.

China’s influence continues. NYSE refuses to follow Trump’s executive order. Will not delist Chinese military companies.

If you needed more proof that China has completely taken over America’s elite establishment, look no further than today’s news from the NYSE. As you may remember, President Trump signed an executive order requiring the delisting from American stock exchanges of Chinese companies that were strongly affiliated or controlled by the Chinese military. At first the NYSE signaled they would comply with the order. But today they have reversed course and have stated they plan…

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Three key (non) events that suggest the election results will be overturned in favor of Trump

Three key (non) events that suggest the election results will be overturned in favor of Trump

While the media has started their full court press in earnest on Monday in an attempt to remove all doubt that their declared winner Joe Biden actually is the next president, there are some very clear signs that even the Biden camp knows it’s not going to last. Below are three key elements that suggest the Biden camp, as well as Democrats know that their winner is soon going to have that title stripped. China…

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Does Tik Tok own the ultimate algorithm to manipulate users? Why else would corporations like Oracle and Wal Mart be willing to spend billions without even getting a stake in ownership?

Does Tik Tok own the ultimate algorithm to manipulate users? Why else would corporations like Oracle and Wal Mart be willing to spend billions without even getting a stake in ownership?

If you’ve been following the ongoing story of Tik Tok and their attempted sale to an American buyer, you probably have as many questions as I do because something just doesn’t seem to make sense. From the start, the origins and rise of Tik Tok have been somewhat mysterious. The app, mostly popular with young teens exploded on the scene within the last two years. It was heavily promoted by some of the largest influencers…

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Through various venture capital firms, China has taken over Hollywood and intentionally destroyed iconic movie franchises.

Through various venture capital firms, China has taken over Hollywood and intentionally destroyed iconic movie franchises.

It’s something I’m sure you’ve seen with your own eyes as well as heard from countless movie fans across the country. Virtually every beloved movie franchise from the last few decades has been destroyed. Not only have they been destroyed, they’ve become divisive instruments pitting people against each other. So how did movies which were such a communal part of American culture suddenly become divisive instruments? How did something that use to bring us together…

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How long will the mainstream media cover for China now that virtually every American has been harmed by the CCP’s actions?

How long will the mainstream media cover for China now that virtually every American has been harmed by the CCP’s actions?

What started off as being labeled a conspiracy theory has now worked its way into the mainstream. Most Americans believe that China was responsible for much of the damage caused by the coronavirus pandemic. Not only did they lie about it early on which prevented countries from taking action sooner so the virus could be contained, the virus also appears to have been created in their Wuhan laboratory. These are no longer conspiracy theories, and…

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As strange as it may sound, if Americans don’t start seeing bodies in the streets, they’re going to ask if they just got duped.

As strange as it may sound, if Americans don’t start seeing bodies in the streets, they’re going to ask if they just got duped.

This scenario may sound a little strange at first because of the amount of fear going around, but hear me out and I think you’ll see what I’m getting at despite the somewhat hyperbolic title. For now, it looks like the coming week will be the week that American cities effectively “shut down” due to actions taken to avoid the spread of the coronavirus. Schools, movie theaters, bars, and restaurant in several states look to…

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This week will be critical in determining the severity of the coronavirus outbreak.

This week will be critical in determining the severity of the coronavirus outbreak.

For those on the fence or still confused as to what to really believe when it comes to the severity of the coronavirus outbreak, this coming week will most likely provide the answers you’re looking for. For about month now most casual observers of the coronavirus have been unsure exactly what to believe. In the U.S. the CDC is saying that the outbreak has not reached pandemic status, despite it clearly fitting the definition at…

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