The new Pfizer vaccine is an mRNA vaccine, the first of it’s kind. The vaccine reprograms your own cells to create virus molecules.

The new Pfizer vaccine is an mRNA vaccine, the first of it’s kind. The vaccine reprograms your own cells to create virus molecules.

With all the excitement over the new Pfizer covid-19 vaccine, along with some apprehension as to whether it will be safe, there is one key element about the vaccine I think most people are not aware of. With traditional vaccines a small, attenuated amount of the virus is cultured in a lab and then injected into patients. This gives the patient’s immune system a chance to come in contact with the virus’ protein signature, but…

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The engineered coronavirus should be a warning that the elites that rule over us have access to technology that is far too dangerous for them to be trusted with.

The engineered coronavirus should be a warning that the elites that rule over us have access to technology that is far too dangerous for them to be trusted with.

Since the beginning of the coronavirus outbreak, many experts have questioned the original official narrative that it was the result of wild animal meat being consumed by Chinese customers. Of course, considering this explanation was coming directly from the Chinese government, one would be right to immediately question it, as they are well known for providing false information to save face. Many experts believe the coronavirus was instead an engineered virus, and one that was…

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This week will be critical in determining the severity of the coronavirus outbreak.

This week will be critical in determining the severity of the coronavirus outbreak.

For those on the fence or still confused as to what to really believe when it comes to the severity of the coronavirus outbreak, this coming week will most likely provide the answers you’re looking for. For about month now most casual observers of the coronavirus have been unsure exactly what to believe. In the U.S. the CDC is saying that the outbreak has not reached pandemic status, despite it clearly fitting the definition at…

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