Can existing HIPAA laws protect us from a de facto forced vaccine via private companies requiring proof of vaccination?

Can existing HIPAA laws protect us from a de facto forced vaccine via private companies requiring proof of vaccination?

As covid-19 vaccines are rolled out around the globe, there is a growing concern the vaccine will be made mandatory through restrictions on those who choose not to get it. These are indeed real concerns as we have seen over the last 10 months, local and state governments have no issue at all overstepping their authority and stripping people of their rights and freedoms under the guise of “emergency declarations”. However, from a legal standpoint…

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Vaccine maker CEOs already dumped over 60% of their stock. They know the vaccine will be a flop…or worse.

Vaccine maker CEOs already dumped over 60% of their stock. They know the vaccine will be a flop…or worse.

There’s an old saying that goes “follow the money”, and when it comes to the current covid-19 vaccines about to be deployed, that may very well be true. As I’ve detailed in this article, the CEO of Pfizer dumped 62% of his personal stock in Pfizer on the day the vaccine results were announced. Even if you dismiss the fact that he set the date to sell back in August and shows he obviously knew…

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Pfizer and Moderna start playing politics with their taxpayer-funded vaccine. Using it as a bargaining chip to try to get payback on Trump for lowering prescription drug prices.

Pfizer and Moderna start playing politics with their taxpayer-funded vaccine. Using it as a bargaining chip to try to get payback on Trump for lowering prescription drug prices.

If you needed any more proof of just how evil pharmaceutical companies can be, look no further than the news today from Pfizer and Moderna. Pfizer released a statement that the U.S. would not be able to obtain any more vaccine doses until the middle of the next year. Not only that, they were a no-show at a scheduled White House meeting to discuss the vaccine availability. However, the information about the availability was leaked…

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The new Pfizer vaccine is an mRNA vaccine, the first of it’s kind. The vaccine reprograms your own cells to create virus molecules.

The new Pfizer vaccine is an mRNA vaccine, the first of it’s kind. The vaccine reprograms your own cells to create virus molecules.

With all the excitement over the new Pfizer covid-19 vaccine, along with some apprehension as to whether it will be safe, there is one key element about the vaccine I think most people are not aware of. With traditional vaccines a small, attenuated amount of the virus is cultured in a lab and then injected into patients. This gives the patient’s immune system a chance to come in contact with the virus’ protein signature, but…

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SEC filings show that Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla knew back in August the exact day the vaccine results would be announced.

SEC filings show that Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla knew back in August the exact day the vaccine results would be announced.

The Pfizer corporation dominated the news cycle on Monday when they announced their vaccine for covid-19 was 90% effective in clinical trials. The news sent the stock up 16%, and it also netted the CEO Albert Bourla an easy $5.6 million dollars as he dumped 62% of his stock on the news. But this wasn’t simple profit taking. Bourla had to follow SEC guidelines regarding insiders selling stock in the companies they are affiliated with….

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