For over a month the experts have told us America is only a week behind Italy. Well, it never happened. The experts were wrong.

For over a month the experts have told us America is only a week behind Italy. Well, it never happened. The experts were wrong.

It seems hard for some to understand, but the so-called “experts” can sometimes be wrong. In fact, they’re often wrong. If they were always right we would all live in a utopia where the experts perfectly managed a perfect world. Many experts have filled the cable news shows and Twitter to tell us all that America was only a week behind Italy. Whatever was going on in Italy, confirmed or not, was undoubtedly coming to…

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This week will be critical in determining the severity of the coronavirus outbreak.

This week will be critical in determining the severity of the coronavirus outbreak.

For those on the fence or still confused as to what to really believe when it comes to the severity of the coronavirus outbreak, this coming week will most likely provide the answers you’re looking for. For about month now most casual observers of the coronavirus have been unsure exactly what to believe. In the U.S. the CDC is saying that the outbreak has not reached pandemic status, despite it clearly fitting the definition at…

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