The engineered coronavirus should be a warning that the elites that rule over us have access to technology that is far too dangerous for them to be trusted with.

The engineered coronavirus should be a warning that the elites that rule over us have access to technology that is far too dangerous for them to be trusted with.

Since the beginning of the coronavirus outbreak, many experts have questioned the original official narrative that it was the result of wild animal meat being consumed by Chinese customers. Of course, considering this explanation was coming directly from the Chinese government, one would be right to immediately question it, as they are well known for providing false information to save face. Many experts believe the coronavirus was instead an engineered virus, and one that was…

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The dangers of artificial intelligence are already present in the algorithmic control of social media and search.

The dangers of artificial intelligence are already present in the algorithmic control of social media and search.

If you plan on creating any sort of content to be consumed on the internet, be it a written blog, a Facebook post, a YouTube video, or an Instagram account, the success of that content is at the whims of the now infamous “algorithm”. As most people are aware by now, the algorithms behind these platforms and Google search results decides who sees your content, and whether or not that content gets promoted. However, there…

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Facebook seems to think conservative personalities Diamond and Silk are more dangerous than Isil

Facebook seems to think conservative personalities Diamond and Silk are more dangerous than Isil

A study to be released by Counter Extremist Project shows that the Facebook algorithm is actively connecting Isil terrorists with each other, possibly even helping them recruit new members according to the explosive new study. Besides the obvious trouble with these findings, there is another issue to be dealt with, and that is why Facebook seems to be so actively limiting the reach of political speech in America it doesn’t like, but seems unaware or…

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