We can’t allow the Supreme Court’s lack of courage to cause us to lose our own. The fight goes on.

We can’t allow the Supreme Court’s lack of courage to cause us to lose our own. The fight goes on.

Today will be a day that will be remembered for quite some time. The Supreme Court let down the entire country with their decision to not even hear the election fraud case brought by the state of Texas and endorsed by 19 other states. President Trump echoed that sentiment in a late night Tweet on Friday, declaring that the Supreme Court has let us down. The Supreme Court really let us down. No Wisdom, No…

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If the SCOTUS refuses to hear these allegations of nationwide fraud, the wounds and division will never heal.

If the SCOTUS refuses to hear these allegations of nationwide fraud, the wounds and division will never heal.

This week began the critical phase of Trump’s election fight. The news is coming in fast and on an almost hourly basis. The latest big news revolves around the SCOTUS and whether or not they will take on a case brought by Texas and 3 other states, citing equal protection violations in regards to the 2020 election. The SCOTUS did deny any injunctive relief today in a separate ruling regarding the Pennsylvania results, which simply…

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If RGB wanted to be replaced by a president she likes, she should have retired during one of Obama’s two terms.

If RGB wanted to be replaced by a president she likes, she should have retired during one of Obama’s two terms.

When writing this, I want to be clear I mean no disrespect to the late Justice Ginsburg. Instead, this critique is more aimed at the media who are trying to exploit Ginsburg’s supposed dying wish for their own agenda of stopping Trump’s coming appointment of a new justice. But with all that being said, Justice Ginsburg clearly understood how the Supreme Court worked. She knew the outgoing justice has no official say in their replacement….

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