In the past 4 years Trump has exposed the corruption of the FBI, CIA, mainstream media, and big tech. Now he is about to expose the largest corruption yet, our rigged voting system.

In the past 4 years Trump has exposed the corruption of the FBI, CIA, mainstream media, and big tech. Now he is about to expose the largest corruption yet, our rigged voting system.

Considering that Democrats and their allies in the media spent 3 years trying to illegally impeach Trump, it really shouldn’t come as a surprise that they are now trying to illegally steal the election. But when all is finally said and done, and after all the lawsuits and recounts, there may be one message that stands out above all else. Trump has once again exposed yet another corrupt American institution. Regardless of what you may…

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Why this fight is so important and why we will not fail. If Democrats get away with this fraud, they will become even more emboldened. They will use unlawful mandates and executive orders to push gun control and remove their last roadblock to total control.

Why this fight is so important and why we will not fail. If Democrats get away with this fraud, they will become even more emboldened. They will use unlawful mandates and executive orders to push gun control and remove their last roadblock to total control.

History may show that the election of 2020 itself wasn’t really the standoff everyone thought it would be. Instead, it’s the fight afterwards that may set the tone for this country in the decades to come. By any objective measure, Democrats are clearly trying to steal the election. The outright fraud is so brazen, it would be comical if it wasn’t so sad. I’m sure you’ve heard all the details, so I won’t bore you…

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Democrats know they can’t close the voting gap. Instead they are setting the foundation for the next 4 years. They will call Trump’s win “illegitimate”. It will be Russia Hoax 2.0.

Democrats know they can’t close the voting gap. Instead they are setting the foundation for the next 4 years. They will call Trump’s win “illegitimate”. It will be Russia Hoax 2.0.

I’m sure you all watched it unfold the same way I did. Trump was cruising to a huge victory in every swing state he needed, then suddenly the vote counting stopped and several states announced they won’t be providing results, in some cases until the end of the week. Most Trump supporters immediately claimed fraud, and in a way they’re right. The Democrats are trying to steal the election, that’s no surprise. But there is…

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The striking similarities between 2016 and 2020. From a summer of violence to an October surprise the media and FBI refuse to investigate.

The striking similarities between 2016 and 2020. From a summer of violence to an October surprise the media and FBI refuse to investigate.

I think it goes without saying that 2020 has been one of the craziest and most unique years in recent memory. But despite all the craziness, the election is playing out as an almost exact carbon-copy of 2016. Below are just a few of the striking similarities. Sanders gets robbed and an establishment, unlikable candidate is put in his place by the DNC. The 2020 Democratic primary ended up almost exactly like it did in…

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If RGB wanted to be replaced by a president she likes, she should have retired during one of Obama’s two terms.

If RGB wanted to be replaced by a president she likes, she should have retired during one of Obama’s two terms.

When writing this, I want to be clear I mean no disrespect to the late Justice Ginsburg. Instead, this critique is more aimed at the media who are trying to exploit Ginsburg’s supposed dying wish for their own agenda of stopping Trump’s coming appointment of a new justice. But with all that being said, Justice Ginsburg clearly understood how the Supreme Court worked. She knew the outgoing justice has no official say in their replacement….

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Democrats tried to make 2020 the year of chaos, then blame it all on Trump. But they inadvertently created exactly the type of environment Trump thrives in.

Democrats tried to make 2020 the year of chaos, then blame it all on Trump. But they inadvertently created exactly the type of environment Trump thrives in.

It should be obvious to just about any objective observer at this point that the Democrat led narrative in 2020 has been to convince Americans that the country is completely falling apart, and it’s all Trump’s fault. But sadly, it hasn’t just been a narrative. Instead it has been action that has helped fuel the notion that America is on the brink. From years of fake impeachment talk, investigations, and hearings that all led to…

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The plan is already in place. Delay the election results while the media incites protests and unrest. The goal will be to make the public more willing to accept any result to end the unrest no matter how shady those results seem.

The plan is already in place. Delay the election results while the media incites protests and unrest. The goal will be to make the public more willing to accept any result to end the unrest no matter how shady those results seem.

For those paying attention, and even for those not paying attention, it’s pretty obvious that 2020 is hardly a normal election year. We’ve seen the same playbook from 2016, but this time amplified several times over. Media-driven racial division mixed with a rigged Democratic primary that has produced a senile puppet candidate, all mixed in with an overblown pandemic and you have one of the crazier election cycles in modern history. But if you think…

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Fake news redux: Just like every “reporting error” during the Russia Hoax only went in one direction. Every reporting error on Covid-19 also only errors in one direction. What does that tell you?

Fake news redux: Just like every “reporting error” during the Russia Hoax only went in one direction. Every reporting error on Covid-19 also only errors in one direction. What does that tell you?

I suppose if you wanted to determine if something was a hoax or not, you would look to a previous, exposed hoax and then look for similarities. Luckily, during the midst of this “pandemic” which many are starting to realize is being totally overblown and the expense of the global economy, we don’t have to look very far back in history for a hoax to compare it to. Before the China virus took over the…

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Democrats are desperate. They’re realizing that getting the economy back on track will be an issue that’s tailor-made for Trump.

Democrats are desperate. They’re realizing that getting the economy back on track will be an issue that’s tailor-made for Trump.

It looks like the Democrats are realizing that what they thought would hurt Trump’s reelection chances is actually going to turn out to be his strongest campaign issue. Democrats’ desperation has sunk to a new low, with Nancy Pelosi and other party leaders openly and publicly trying to blame Trump for coronavirus deaths. It’s a disgusting tactic, and one that’s unprecedented and totally unjustified when the country is going to through such a terrible situation….

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Bernie Sanders believes the same government he criticizes for being corrupt and rigged will suddenly act benevolently when given trillions of extra tax dollars to squander.

Bernie Sanders believes the same government he criticizes for being corrupt and rigged will suddenly act benevolently when given trillions of extra tax dollars to squander.

There’s a glaring irony with Bernie Sanders’ brand of socialism that he’s trying to sell to America. It’s the fact that on one hand Bernie rails against the government as being corrupt and rigged, yet he says by giving that same government more money, it will fix all your problems. To believe in Sanders’ brand of socialism and think it will work, you must also believe the government is without corruption and will handle the…

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