Republican officials and judges who are afraid to contest the election for fear of civil unrest need to understand, there’s going to be riots no matter what. So they might as well be on the right side of history when the dust settles.

Republican officials and judges who are afraid to contest the election for fear of civil unrest need to understand, there’s going to be riots no matter what. So they might as well be on the right side of history when the dust settles.

Republican officials in states such as Georgia have put their cowardice on full display. But even more sad than the fake and cowardly Conservatives like Governor Brian Kemp of Georgia, is our own Supreme Court and state judges. Out of fear of national civil unrest and riots, these Republicans, The Supreme Court, and countless state judges are refusing to hear the overwhelming evidence of voter fraud. The reason is simple and it’s why so many…

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Cowardly GOP figures already accepting the “new normal” of fraud. Newt Gingrich says conservatives just need to get more votes than the left can steal and we’ll be fine.

Cowardly GOP figures already accepting the “new normal” of fraud. Newt Gingrich says conservatives just need to get more votes than the left can steal and we’ll be fine.

Well, that didn’t take long. Long-time Republicans have already settled into the new normal of stolen elections and rampant ballot fraud. In an interview this weekend, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said that Conservatives need to come out in numbers large enough to outpace the votes stolen by the left via fraud. Gingrich was talking about the upcoming Senate run-off races in Georgia next month. As you are aware, Georgia experienced massive fraud during the…

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