The real question is why was Bloomberg so ill-prepared for the debate? He had no answers for anything.

The real question is why was Bloomberg so ill-prepared for the debate? He had no answers for anything.

The latest Democratic debate in Las Vegas was definitely the point at which all the candidates were starting to reek of desperation. In earlier debates, candidates mostly played nice except for a few jabs here and there. But in Las Vegas, the candidates went all-in and virtually every time they spoke they used their time to take at least one jab and someone else on stage. They know the culling is coming soon and there…

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Trump Tweets have a strange habit of coming true. So does this mean Bloomberg is the new favorite in the race?

Trump Tweets have a strange habit of coming true. So does this mean Bloomberg is the new favorite in the race?

Trump has a funny way of predicting the future with his Tweets. He’s been doing it for years now, even before he was president. For example, remember when Trump pointed out Anthony Weiner’s and Elliot Spitzer’s perverse lifestyle years before the evidence came out? It’s actually become so common for Trump’s Tweets to be proven right that there is a popular meme suggesting Trump himself must be a time traveler. Of course, Trump isn’t using…

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Say a prayer for Wilmington, North Carolina. Residents there are being forced to endure 36 Bloomberg TV ads per day!

Say a prayer for Wilmington, North Carolina. Residents there are being forced to endure 36 Bloomberg TV ads per day!

There’s yet another shocking statistic regarding Michael Bloomberg’s nationwide campaign to prove just how rich and out of touch he really is. As I’ve written about before, Bloomberg has chose to run a “national” campaign, one in which he quarterbacks the whole operation from his main office in New York and only communicates to voters through lazy television ads in various states. But just how many TV ads is Bloomberg buying? According to Advertising Analytics…

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