The DNC party rules have no guidelines to follow if their nominee withdraws. If Biden dropped out after securing the nomination, the DNC can simply appoint anyone they want.

The DNC party rules have no guidelines to follow if their nominee withdraws. If Biden dropped out after securing the nomination, the DNC can simply appoint anyone they want.

After Tuesday’s primary voting in Missouri and Michigan, it’s almost impossible for Bernie Sanders to mount a comeback and it now appears as though Joe Biden will earn the Democratic nomination this year. Of course, Biden’s completely unprecedented and impossible political comeback is very suspect, and I go into detail about that fact here. But for now I want to focus on Joe Biden being the nominee and what would happen if he dropped out…

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Side-by-side photo shows how drastically Joe Biden has aged since 2016. At this rate, could he even last another four years?

Side-by-side photo shows how drastically Joe Biden has aged since 2016. At this rate, could he even last another four years?

After last weeks completely unprecedented and almost impossible to believe surge by Joe Biden, it appears as though he is indeed the chosen candidate of the Democratic establishment and will ultimately get the nomination. But now as the honeymoon phase is beginning to wear off, even Democratic voters are having second thoughts about Biden’s health as he continues to struggle with memory loss at virtually every public appearance. At this point it’s no secret that…

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The rigging continues – DNC terrified that Tulsi Gabbard would do to Biden what she did to Kamala Harris in the Detroit debate.

The rigging continues – DNC terrified that Tulsi Gabbard would do to Biden what she did to Kamala Harris in the Detroit debate.

For a party that claims to fight for women, the DNC is doing everything in its power to screw over Tulsi Gabbard. After super Tuesday, Gabbard, the only female still in the race looked as though she would qualify for the March 15th debate based on the current rule set. However, today the DNC pulled the rug out from under Gabbard and changed the rules. They raised the delegate threshold to 20%, making it almost…

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So a senile, gaffe-prone presidential candidate who thinks he’s running for the senate just pulled off the greatest political comeback ever?

So a senile, gaffe-prone presidential candidate who thinks he’s running for the senate just pulled off the greatest political comeback ever?

We should all feel lucky that we got to witness history in the making on Tuesday night. But it’s not the kind of history that the pundits on CNN were going on and on about as the primary numbers were coming in. Instead, it was a much darker historical moment. A moment where everyone witnessed an obviously rigged election process and the mainstream media just pretended it was all business as usual. The Biden “comeback”…

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The real question nobody is asking. Why is the DNC pushing for a candidate they know nobody wants to vote for?

The real question nobody is asking. Why is the DNC pushing for a candidate they know nobody wants to vote for?

Today the overall plan of the DNC started to come into focus.We got a preview Sunday when Pete Buttigieg mysteriously and abruptly dropped out of the race only to immediately endorse Joe Biden. Within 24 hours, Biden was racking up endorsements left and right. I guess everyone just decided to endorse Joe Biden on the same day and within the same hour. No coordination to see here, folks! So after seeing the events unfold today…

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Buttigieg supporters get the shaft. Dropping out a day before super Tuesday is a slap in the face to people who thought he was running a real campaign.

Buttigieg supporters get the shaft. Dropping out a day before super Tuesday is a slap in the face to people who thought he was running a real campaign.

Remember kids, No Refunds! To all the loyal Buttigieg supporters out there who donated their hard-earned money, you have my sympathy. It’s not your fault you fell for what was essentially a sham campaign run by an intelligence asset. How could you have known he was an establishment shill all along just pretending to be an outsider? It’s not like he worked for a CIA front company and then worked in Naval Intelligence. It’s not…

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Bernie Sanders believes the same government he criticizes for being corrupt and rigged will suddenly act benevolently when given trillions of extra tax dollars to squander.

Bernie Sanders believes the same government he criticizes for being corrupt and rigged will suddenly act benevolently when given trillions of extra tax dollars to squander.

There’s a glaring irony with Bernie Sanders’ brand of socialism that he’s trying to sell to America. It’s the fact that on one hand Bernie rails against the government as being corrupt and rigged, yet he says by giving that same government more money, it will fix all your problems. To believe in Sanders’ brand of socialism and think it will work, you must also believe the government is without corruption and will handle the…

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When the intelligence community is allowed to control the political narrative, they can assert anything without having to provide proof.

When the intelligence community is allowed to control the political narrative, they can assert anything without having to provide proof.

There’s a very dangerous trend happening in the media right now. It exploded in 2016 with the Russia hoax, but even though that has been disproven, the trend still continues to grow. That trend is allowing the intelligence community to almost completely control any political narrative in the media. Because of the nature of intelligence work and the acceptance that they are allowed to keep most anything a secret, it allows them to state almost…

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A political party that openly rigs their own primary election clearly must have considered how they could rig the general election.

A political party that openly rigs their own primary election clearly must have considered how they could rig the general election.

The Democratic debates have been an obvious train wreck for a whole host of reasons I won’t go into here. But the real tragedy of the current primary is how overtly and openly the Democratic party is rigging the entire process. From shady vote counting apps that have financial backing from candidates and their surrogates, to rule changes at the last minute meant to exclude or include whichever candidate they want in certain polls or…

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Homelessness in Progressive cities is no accident. Progressives have always worked to create new victim classes so they can pretend to be their savior.

Homelessness in Progressive cities is no accident. Progressives have always worked to create new victim classes so they can pretend to be their savior.

As I’m sure many of you are already aware, Progressive run cities are experiencing an explosion of homelessness. Cities like Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle, and San Francisco are all at record homeless levels. In Los Angeles alone the homeless rate is up 50% since 2018. So how can Progressives who often claim to be the most empathetic people in politics allow such misery and suffering in their own cities? The truth is because it’s all…

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