As studies from American cities point to the outbreak being less severe than initially thought, the media keeps up the fear mongering.

As studies from American cities point to the outbreak being less severe than initially thought, the media keeps up the fear mongering.

Now that we are farther along into this pandemic we can start to look at studies from our own cities instead of depending on studies from places like Italy or China. What thesese new domestic studies are telling us is that the pandemic is not nearly as severe as the experts first predicted. The first such study comes out of Santa Clara County California. As reported by PJ Media, the study indicates that overall the…

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We’re all in this together – World’s 500 wealthiest people see their fortunes increase 20% since March 23rd.

We’re all in this together – World’s 500 wealthiest people see their fortunes increase 20% since March 23rd.

As every television commercial keeps reminding us that “we’re all in this together”, the data is showing that may not be exactly true. While large corporations saturate the airwaves with feel-good commercials telling us that they’ll be there for us in these difficult times, it looks like for the wealthy elite, things couldn’t be better. According to ZeroHedge and other financial outlets, the combined net worth of the wealthiest 500 people has gone up a…

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Was Dr. Fauci really misunderstood or is he using the fake story/day-later-retraction method that has become the standard tactic of the anti-Trump mainstream media.

Was Dr. Fauci really misunderstood or is he using the fake story/day-later-retraction method that has become the standard tactic of the anti-Trump mainstream media.

Dr. Fauci gave the mainstream media a huge chunk of red meat to feast on this past Sunday when he suggested that lives could have been saved if mitigation efforts were implemented sooner. It was an answer to a hypothetical question by CNN’s Jake Tapper, which was really disingenuous in the first place. Theoretically you can claim that if you started mitigating in November of 2019 you could have saved lives, but that’s impractical and…

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Bizarro World! 5 things the “experts” told us that turned out to be the exact opposite of what they said just weeks earlier.

Bizarro World! 5 things the “experts” told us that turned out to be the exact opposite of what they said just weeks earlier.

If you’re anything like me, you’ve noticed a trend taking place over the last month or so when it comes to what the so-called “experts” are telling us. That trend seems to be that whatever the experts say, time ends up proving the opposite to be true and the experts end up totally reversing their original opinion. Below are 5 major examples of the experts completely reversing their opinions. Masks – At the onset of…

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Progressives know extending the shutdowns beyond what is necessary will cause more Americans to become dependent on the government. This is what they’ve always wanted even before the coronavirus.

Progressives know extending the shutdowns beyond what is necessary will cause more Americans to become dependent on the government. This is what they’ve always wanted even before the coronavirus.

If the current election cycle has taught us anything it’s that Progressive leaders want their voters to be dependent on the government. Today this is an obvious statement as Progressives and Democratic leaders have tossed aside any camouflage they may have previously used to hide their intention of making more Americans dependent on government hand-outs. Today, leading Progressive media superstars openly call for cash payments to voters for almost anything. Not only this, they call…

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The media attacks any sign of hope or good news, but then labels anyone who questions the doomsday predictions as a conspiracy theorist. They have essentially censored hope.

The media attacks any sign of hope or good news, but then labels anyone who questions the doomsday predictions as a conspiracy theorist. They have essentially censored hope.

I didn’t know it was possible for the media to sink even lower than they have over the last 3 years. But that’s exactly what they have done during this pandemic and it’s a truly disgusting disservice to the American people. What the media has essentially done is shut down any talk of hope or positive news as it relates to the pandemic. Any sign of good news is immediately questioned and challenged. On the…

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When asked about China on February 16th, Dr. Fauci warned “we shouldn’t even be talking about that”. He chose to protect the Chinese government over giving Americans accurate information.

When asked about China on February 16th, Dr. Fauci warned “we shouldn’t even be talking about that”. He chose to protect the Chinese government over giving Americans accurate information.

It’s now commonly known that China has been influencing and infiltrating the World Health Organization. The WHO has become dependent on China for both money and operational needs. As reported by outlets such as CNN and Foreign Policy, the WHO has became nothing more than a PR firm for Chinese propaganda during the current coronavirus outbreak. The WHO praised China for its efforts to stop the virus without actually having any access to China or…

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Is Chris Cuomo faking his coronavirus diagnosis? It sure seems like it.

Is Chris Cuomo faking his coronavirus diagnosis? It sure seems like it.

They say in difficult times the true heroes often reveal themselves. And for America, one of those heroes is CNN’s Chris Cuomo. He’s bravely battling the coronavirus and refusing to let it interfere with his constant attention whoring. For those who aren’t familiar with Chris Cuomo due to his show averaging only 8 viewers per night, he’s basically the white version of Don Lemon. A totally self-righteous fool who embarrasses himself on an almost nightly…

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Everything the elites do immediately and negatively impacts our lives now. As they grow more powerful, there’s no way to escape the effects of their crazy schemes.

Everything the elites do immediately and negatively impacts our lives now. As they grow more powerful, there’s no way to escape the effects of their crazy schemes.

Even before the coronavirus pandemic turned the world upside down in the span of two weeks, people were already miserable. A few months ago when the calendar turned to the year 2020, for the first time in my life I saw younger people longing for the previous decade even before this one had started. For those who are a little older, I’m sure you can remember that each new decade was warmly welcomed, and relics…

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Democrats are desperate. They’re realizing that getting the economy back on track will be an issue that’s tailor-made for Trump.

Democrats are desperate. They’re realizing that getting the economy back on track will be an issue that’s tailor-made for Trump.

It looks like the Democrats are realizing that what they thought would hurt Trump’s reelection chances is actually going to turn out to be his strongest campaign issue. Democrats’ desperation has sunk to a new low, with Nancy Pelosi and other party leaders openly and publicly trying to blame Trump for coronavirus deaths. It’s a disgusting tactic, and one that’s unprecedented and totally unjustified when the country is going to through such a terrible situation….

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