Is the FBI afraid the Nashville bombing is the start of new trend of terrorism that targets establishment infrastructure but spares innocent lives?

Is the FBI afraid the Nashville bombing is the start of new trend of terrorism that targets establishment infrastructure but spares innocent lives?

For decades, modern terrorism has made no effort to spare innocent lives. In fact, the goal has always been to specifically target innocent civilians as a way to instill the most fear and garner the most attention. However, that’s what has made the Nashville bombing so strange and hard for people to wrap their head around. According to reports, the bomber specifically targeted a sensitive AT&T communications center. But before detonating his bomb near the…

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Is Chris Cuomo faking his coronavirus diagnosis? It sure seems like it.

Is Chris Cuomo faking his coronavirus diagnosis? It sure seems like it.

They say in difficult times the true heroes often reveal themselves. And for America, one of those heroes is CNN’s Chris Cuomo. He’s bravely battling the coronavirus and refusing to let it interfere with his constant attention whoring. For those who aren’t familiar with Chris Cuomo due to his show averaging only 8 viewers per night, he’s basically the white version of Don Lemon. A totally self-righteous fool who embarrasses himself on an almost nightly…

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