Dr. Fauci is the highest paid U.S. federal employee. No wonder he doesn’t want the pandemic to ever end.

Dr. Fauci is the highest paid U.S. federal employee. No wonder he doesn’t want the pandemic to ever end.

When you land a sweet gig like Dr. Fauci has that pays you more than anyone else in government, of course you don’t want the gravy train to ever end. As reported by Forbes, it turns out that Dr. Fauci is the highest paid federal employee, raking in a cool $417, 608. Such a total puts him above the president as well as every other federal employee in America. I’m not sure what exactly justifies…

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Notice how for 10 months of this “pandemic” we’ve always been right on the brink of a “dark time” but it never seems to come?

Notice how for 10 months of this “pandemic” we’ve always been right on the brink of a “dark time” but it never seems to come?

If you’ve followed the news at all recently I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase “dark winter” uttered by Joe Biden, Dr. Fauci, and many others for the past several weeks. The term is being used to express how dire the upcoming months will be in regards to the pandemic. It will be worse than we’ve ever experienced or even imagined. At least that’s what they want you to believe. But if all of this sounds…

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A media propagated fallacy. Any increase in covid cases is immediately blamed on the straw man of “other people” not taking the virus seriously.

A media propagated fallacy. Any increase in covid cases is immediately blamed on the straw man of “other people” not taking the virus seriously.

There is a pretty obvious logical fallacy that’s appearing on an enormous scale and I’m sure you’ve encountered it several times as you browse social media or discus the current pandemic situation with friends. It goes like this. There is a segment of the population who either by propaganda or by a simple lack of logic choose to blame any increase or prolonging of the pandemic on other people not taking the threat seriously enough….

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What mask mandates and gun control have in common. The areas with the strictest rules seem to have the worst outcomes.

What mask mandates and gun control have in common. The areas with the strictest rules seem to have the worst outcomes.

With mask mandates  around the country being several weeks old, and in some places a month or more, we are still seeing total coronavirus cases rising despite the increase in mask usage. All of which which begs the question – Are masks really the answer or are they possibly making the problem worse? To begin, let’s listen to the country’s foremost expert on infectious diseases, Dr. Fauci. In this clip, you see a passionate Dr….

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Dr. Fauci’s only “expertise” is giving advice in hindsight then trying to claim “I told you so”.

Dr. Fauci’s only “expertise” is giving advice in hindsight then trying to claim “I told you so”.

Dr. Fauci is at again. Giving advice that’s either in total hindsight which is of no value, or giving advice with such a hedge that it’s useless. A classic example of this is an interview Dr. Fauci gave on February 29th where he told NBC news that Americans should not change anything about their daily lives or worry about the coronavirus. Then he added that the virus may spread within the community, at which point…

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Was Dr. Fauci really misunderstood or is he using the fake story/day-later-retraction method that has become the standard tactic of the anti-Trump mainstream media.

Was Dr. Fauci really misunderstood or is he using the fake story/day-later-retraction method that has become the standard tactic of the anti-Trump mainstream media.

Dr. Fauci gave the mainstream media a huge chunk of red meat to feast on this past Sunday when he suggested that lives could have been saved if mitigation efforts were implemented sooner. It was an answer to a hypothetical question by CNN’s Jake Tapper, which was really disingenuous in the first place. Theoretically you can claim that if you started mitigating in November of 2019 you could have saved lives, but that’s impractical and…

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When asked about China on February 16th, Dr. Fauci warned “we shouldn’t even be talking about that”. He chose to protect the Chinese government over giving Americans accurate information.

When asked about China on February 16th, Dr. Fauci warned “we shouldn’t even be talking about that”. He chose to protect the Chinese government over giving Americans accurate information.

It’s now commonly known that China has been influencing and infiltrating the World Health Organization. The WHO has become dependent on China for both money and operational needs. As reported by outlets such as CNN and Foreign Policy, the WHO has became nothing more than a PR firm for Chinese propaganda during the current coronavirus outbreak. The WHO praised China for its efforts to stop the virus without actually having any access to China or…

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