It’s now commonly known that China has been influencing and infiltrating the World Health Organization.
The WHO has become dependent on China for both money and operational needs. As reported by outlets such as CNN and Foreign Policy, the WHO has became nothing more than a PR firm for Chinese propaganda during the current coronavirus outbreak.
The WHO praised China for its efforts to stop the virus without actually having any access to China or even their data. They were simply telling the world what China was telling them to say.
So it’s obvious China has been influencing world health leaders for some time now. With that being said, is it justified to ask if any American health advisors have also been compromised or influenced by China?
The most famous health advisor at the moment is Dr. Fauci, who is part of the coronavirus task force under Vice President Pence.
In an interview from over a month ago, Dr. Fauci made a startling claim when asked about China’s influence. First he tried to interrupt the question itself, suggesting he didn’t want to talk about it. But then when he did answer, he warned the host that they shouldn’t even be talking about that issue due to the sensitivity. He then adds that he must be careful not to upset the Chinese government and that he shouldn’t say anything until they say it first.
You can see the exchange below taped during NBC’s Face the Nation on February 16th. The question starts at 1:48.
I want to point out that this video was before another video surfaced that was widely distributed showing a WHO adviser abruptly ending an interview when asked about Taiwan. Apparently that advisor didn’t want to say anything that would anger China.
So as we can see, Dr. Fauci did something very similar during his Face the Nation interview from over a month ago and it seemingly got no media attention. He directly tells the host that he shouldn’t be talking about China as the subject is too sensitive.
What exactly was he afraid of? The only explanation was that he believed Chinese officials would actually watch the interview and be angered by his statements. So instead of informing the American people during an interview, he chose to honor the wishes of the Chinese government and not speak about the matter. It seems that in this case, he chose the Chinese government over giving the American people accurate information.
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