Since the beginning of the pandemic, governments around the world have implemented so many crazy policies and mandates that have upended millions of lives. Many of these policies seemed so random, unscientific, and without any rhyme or reason.
Yet when you look a little closer, you start to realize that all these policies actually do have a common theme, and a common outcome.
No matter what they are, almost everything done in the past two years has been disruptive to the economy.
From the early shutdown of small businesses, all the way to the current illegal federal vaccine mandates which have both workers and employers confused as to what to do next, it all slows down the economy.
Most people wondered aloud why restaurants were the focus of the shutdowns for much of the early pandemic. Covid case tracking showed that less than 2% of cases could be traced back to an exposure at a restaurant, yet they were forced to close all around the world, especially here in major American cities.
One interesting statistic puts that in more context though. The restaurant industry is the largest private source of employment in America. So if you want to shut down the economy and harm workers, the restaurant industry is the perfect target.
Then of course we have the rather nebulous supply chain crisis that nobody can quite explain why it’s happening, yet once again it is helping to slow the economy.
Our own Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, who you would think should be working on such dire supply chain issues, actually took several months of paid vacation to be with his new husband after they were recently married. Good for him I suppose, but not good for dealing with a crisis. So was the supply chain crisis allowed to happen and fester considering our own transportation secretary didn’t even bother showing up to work for 3 months as it was unfolding?
It’s almost as if nobody in charge cared about it because they were happy it was happening.
Next we have gasoline and energy costs, which of course spiked due to the current administration’s open hostility towards traditional fuel sources. Is their angst towards fossil fuels really about the environment as they fly around in their private jets or is this just another excuse to destabilize the economy?
There’s honestly too many things to list in just one article. Vaccine mandates, open borders to flood the market with cheap labor, free money and welfare increases. All these things have one thing in common, they disrupt the economy.
So maybe that’s the real goal here. Destroy the economy and put everyone in dire straits. That’s when the government’s nice-guy routine all comes to an end and then they start applying the boot to your throat. At that point, you have no options, your savings are used up and the economy is in ruin. The choice for many will be to simply do whatever the government tells them to do. Any suspicions or hesitation will be cast aside as more pressing issues, like buying food, will be all the majority care about.
None of this is really unprecedented. It’s actually normal life in third world countries, and that’s what our current leaders have turned America into. Our cities are in some ways worse than third world countries, and the current administration is focused on doing that to the country at large.
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