Trump expertly baited Twitter into taking action against him. It’s a winning issue for him and Jack Dorsey and the media have fallen for it.

Trump expertly baited Twitter into taking action against him. It’s a winning issue for him and Jack Dorsey and the media have fallen for it.

You would think that after 3 years,Trump’s enemies would realize how he always ends up winning. Today, Twitter decided to take the unprecedented step of censoring the President of the United States. They added a disclaimer to Trump’s previous Tweets about possible voter fraud. The disclaimer provides a link to “fact check” Trump’s Tweets. The thing is, despite this being an obvious escalation of social media manipulation and election interference by tech giants, it’s actually…

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Through various venture capital firms, China has taken over Hollywood and intentionally destroyed iconic movie franchises.

Through various venture capital firms, China has taken over Hollywood and intentionally destroyed iconic movie franchises.

It’s something I’m sure you’ve seen with your own eyes as well as heard from countless movie fans across the country. Virtually every beloved movie franchise from the last few decades has been destroyed. Not only have they been destroyed, they’ve become divisive instruments pitting people against each other. So how did movies which were such a communal part of American culture suddenly become divisive instruments? How did something that use to bring us together…

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The so-called “experts” have another great idea. Rolling 50 day strict lockdowns followed by 30 days of eased restrictions. In other words, they never want this to end.

The so-called “experts” have another great idea. Rolling 50 day strict lockdowns followed by 30 days of eased restrictions. In other words, they never want this to end.

The so-called experts are at it again. The same ones who have been wrong about virtually every aspect of the pandemic so far. From computer models that were off by a factor of 30, to telling everyone to not wear a mask only to totally reverse their decision and tell everyone to wear masks, the experts have yet another genius idea. This time it’s alternating strict lockdowns for 50 days followed by eased restrictions for…

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When you constantly hear the phrase “defying the governor’s orders” it means you are ruled by men, not by laws.

When you constantly hear the phrase “defying the governor’s orders” it means you are ruled by men, not by laws.

Along with all the other phrases that suddenly became part of our national lexicon, such as flattening the curve, there’s another phrase we’re now often hearing and it’s much more telling as to what’s actually going on. That phrase is: “Defying the governor’s orders”. We hear it on the news on a daily basis, mostly in regards to citizens exercising their constitutional rights to earn a living and run a legal business. In almost every…

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Trump’s big gamble on hydroxychloroquine. Will the payoff be a deathblow for the fake news media?

Trump’s big gamble on hydroxychloroquine. Will the payoff be a deathblow for the fake news media?

Trump effortlessly dropped what could turn out to be a bombshell today with the admission that he is taking the much talked about drug combination of hydroxychloroquine and zinc. Trump stated that after numerous tests, he never tested positive for the coronavirus, but he is taking the medicine combo as a preventive measure. As you would expect, the media went crazy after the news, however a deeper look is needed to find out Trump’s motivations…

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Are the experts wrong again? Did the “second wave” already happen in March and April after the first wave in late 2019?

Are the experts wrong again? Did the “second wave” already happen in March and April after the first wave in late 2019?

With the experts already predicting a so-called “second wave”, a valid question to ask is why we should believe the experts this time when they’ve been wrong at every other major turning point during this pandemic? One obvious question would simply be this. Was March and April the second wave? Was the first wave here in America actually in November and December of last year? Evidence is starting to show this could be exactly what…

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The “slow and methodical” re-opening of the economy is just to provide an excuse for why no spike in infections occur.

The “slow and methodical” re-opening of the economy is just to provide an excuse for why no spike in infections occur.

As more governors around the country are feeling the pressure to reopen their local economies, we keep hearing the same plan being repeated. The plan is that we need to open the economies very slowly and very methodically. However, just on the surface this approach doesn’t make much sense. For example, let’s say local economies reopen and there is a huge increase in coronavirus cases. What are we really going to do then? If after…

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What economic downturn? Ferrari sales up 5% over same period last year.

What economic downturn? Ferrari sales up 5% over same period last year.

I’ve already written about how this coronavirus situation is starting to look a lot more like a bank heist than a global pandemic. For example, in this article I pointed out how the wealthiest 500 people have seen their fortunes grow by 25% since the beginning of the “global pandemic”. But new evidence has come out showing that the ultra-rich seem to feel as though they have even more money on the way despite the…

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How long will the mainstream media cover for China now that virtually every American has been harmed by the CCP’s actions?

How long will the mainstream media cover for China now that virtually every American has been harmed by the CCP’s actions?

What started off as being labeled a conspiracy theory has now worked its way into the mainstream. Most Americans believe that China was responsible for much of the damage caused by the coronavirus pandemic. Not only did they lie about it early on which prevented countries from taking action sooner so the virus could be contained, the virus also appears to have been created in their Wuhan laboratory. These are no longer conspiracy theories, and…

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The 2018 flu vaccine was only 25% effective. But we are being led to believe that a covid19 vaccine will be 100% effective before its even been invented.

The 2018 flu vaccine was only 25% effective. But we are being led to believe that a covid19 vaccine will be 100% effective before its even been invented.

The experts are at it again. This time telling everyone that the only way to really get the world back to normalĀ  is to get everyone vaccinated against the coronavirus. From self-appointed expert Bill Gates (who has no medical training), to Dr. Fauci, they all tell us a vaccine will allow us to go back to our normal lives. Anything less simply will not work. But what gives them such confidence in a vaccine? They…

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