Buttigieg supporters get the shaft. Dropping out a day before super Tuesday is a slap in the face to people who thought he was running a real campaign.

Buttigieg supporters get the shaft. Dropping out a day before super Tuesday is a slap in the face to people who thought he was running a real campaign.

Remember kids, No Refunds! To all the loyal Buttigieg supporters out there who donated their hard-earned money, you have my sympathy. It’s not your fault you fell for what was essentially a sham campaign run by an intelligence asset. How could you have known he was an establishment shill all along just pretending to be an outsider? It’s not like he worked for a CIA front company and then worked in Naval Intelligence. It’s not…

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A Pete Buttigieg nomination will most likely equal record low African-American voter turn out in November.

A Pete Buttigieg nomination will most likely equal record low African-American voter turn out in November.

You can almost call this the issue nobody is talking about but yet everybody knows it. There have been rumblings in the mainstream media that Pete Buttigieg has a black voter problem. Even prominent democrats like Representative Jim Clyburn of South Carolina admit it. Clyburn suggests much of it is due to the fact that Buttigieg is gay, which is a problem with older black voters according to Clyburn. Another very bad metric for Buttigieg…

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Was Pete Buttigieg groomed by intelligence since his time at Harvard? His first and only private sector job was with a CIA connected consulting company.

Was Pete Buttigieg groomed by intelligence since his time at Harvard? His first and only private sector job was with a CIA connected consulting company.

As Pete Buttigieg takes the top spot in the current Democratic field, rumors are resurfacing about his murky ties to intelligence agencies. The main suspicions surrounding Buttigieg’s past are in relation to his work at the consulting company Mkinsey & Company. Self-described as a consulting company, they have taken millions of dollars of direct money from the CIA. Also, their public image has faltered in recent years as more and more of their past ‘consulting’…

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