As the Fox news implosion plays out live on cable TV, the whole debacle helps to make a few things more clear in regards to who our allies truly are. Fox News has always been a business, pure and simple. There is nothing inherently evil or wrong about that, we need businesses. However, as a business they simply noticed a gap in the marketplace and set out to fill that gap in order to make…
Read MoreA media propagated fallacy. Any increase in covid cases is immediately blamed on the straw man of “other people” not taking the virus seriously.
There is a pretty obvious logical fallacy that’s appearing on an enormous scale and I’m sure you’ve encountered it several times as you browse social media or discus the current pandemic situation with friends. It goes like this. There is a segment of the population who either by propaganda or by a simple lack of logic choose to blame any increase or prolonging of the pandemic on other people not taking the threat seriously enough….
Read MoreThe events in Michigan on Tuesday make it clear. Republican officials need to fear Trump supporters more than they fear the media’s attacks and doxxing.
Tuesday was a wild day in Michigan and was full of twists and turns, as I’m sure you’re aware. The day started out with the shocking news that the Wayne County Board of Canvassers were deadlocked and would not sign off on the election results due to the many voter irregularities. ??BREAKING: This evening, the county board of canvassers in Wayne County, MI refused to certify the election results. If the state board follows suit, the…
Read MoreIf the election does go to the state legislators, that’s where we all come in. Trump supporters have to put so much pressure on these legislators that they do what’s right, not what’s easy.
As more and more evidence of widespread voter fraud comes out, it’s starting to look like the possibility of individual state legislators deciding the election is indeed on the table. With fraudulent ballots in the hundreds of thousands and allegations of corrupt software that changed votes from Democrats to Republicans now being confirmed, it’s a very real possibility that this whole mess will not be untangled before the hard deadline of December 14th. If this…
Read MoreGoodbye endless wars. Hello endless pandemics.
It only took about 50 years, but Americans of every political affiliation finally grew tired of endless wars. The constant propping up of some third-world dictator by the MIC to look like the greatest threat to American democracy has finally stopped working. Sure, those in the intelligence community and military leadership still put up a fight when Trump called for an end to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, but very few Americans openly had…
Read MoreWere the mail-in ballots always just a cover for fake Dominion software-created votes? They needed a cover story to explain where the record number of votes came from.
As the saga of the 2020 election continues to roll on and new evidence of widespread fraud emerges daily, we are starting to see an even stranger scenario than we first imagined. Clearly the mail-in ballots were a source of fraud in this election. The knowledge that mail-in and absentee ballots can be used for fraud has been known for decades. Despite the mainstream media saying voter fraud has never existed, the truth is there’s…
Read MoreThe new Pfizer vaccine is an mRNA vaccine, the first of it’s kind. The vaccine reprograms your own cells to create virus molecules.
With all the excitement over the new Pfizer covid-19 vaccine, along with some apprehension as to whether it will be safe, there is one key element about the vaccine I think most people are not aware of. With traditional vaccines a small, attenuated amount of the virus is cultured in a lab and then injected into patients. This gives the patient’s immune system a chance to come in contact with the virus’ protein signature, but…
Read MoreSEC filings show that Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla knew back in August the exact day the vaccine results would be announced.
The Pfizer corporation dominated the news cycle on Monday when they announced their vaccine for covid-19 was 90% effective in clinical trials. The news sent the stock up 16%, and it also netted the CEO Albert Bourla an easy $5.6 million dollars as he dumped 62% of his stock on the news. But this wasn’t simple profit taking. Bourla had to follow SEC guidelines regarding insiders selling stock in the companies they are affiliated with….
Read MoreThree key (non) events that suggest the election results will be overturned in favor of Trump
While the media has started their full court press in earnest on Monday in an attempt to remove all doubt that their declared winner Joe Biden actually is the next president, there are some very clear signs that even the Biden camp knows it’s not going to last. Below are three key elements that suggest the Biden camp, as well as Democrats know that their winner is soon going to have that title stripped. China…
Read MoreThere’s a new member of the silent majority – Independent and swing voters who suspect there was election fraud but are afraid to speak up.
Even though this election is yet to be determined, one thing is clear. The silent majority that Donald Trump spoke of on the campaign trail was 100% real. They turned out in record numbers, and pushed Trump past Barack Obama’s previous record for total votes. And these were REAL votes, not fraudulent votes. Not to mention, this doesn’t even take into consideration how many votes were taken away from Trump during the soon-to-be-exposed widespread fraud…
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