Apparently NBC White House correspondent Peter Alexander got his feelings hurt today, and instead of reporting on the coronavirus task force, he spent the day going on various news programs to talk about himself. During an exchange at the daily press briefings by the coronavirus task force, Alexander suggested Trump was giving Americans “false hope” simply because he was optimistic that current drug therapies may aid in the fight against the coronavirus. It was a…
Read MoreHow the coronavirus combined with the media’s obsession with portraying Trump’s presidency as an apocalyptic event created the perfect storm of fear-mongering hysteria.
A few days ago I wrote about how the coronavirus response could turn out to be one of the biggest false alarms in history. Of course, for the benefit of all of us, I hope I’m proven right on that because it will mean all the terrible forecasts never came true. That should make everyone happy, except of course for those in the media. It’s very possible that we have witnessed a perfect storm where…
Read More5 things about the coronavirus pandemic that just don’t add up.
It goes without saying that pandemics aren’t exactly a common occurrence, so someone would be right to admit they aren’t sure exactly how each one will play out. However, there are several aspects of the current pandemic that simply defy logic and common sense. And no, I’m not talking about toilet paper hoarding. Below are 5 things about the coronavirus pandemic that just don’t seem to add up. Why aren’t the huge homeless populations on…
Read MoreThere’s actually a logical explanation for how the coronavirus pandemic could end up being the biggest false alarm of all time.
Let me first start off with a little bit of optimism. I’m personally leaning in the direction that the coronavirus scare of 2020 will turn out to be one of the biggest false alarms in history. I’m not saying there is no virus, but I think a confluence of issues such as a lack of information/false information from countries like China contributed to the rumor-fueled overreaction. I also believe the virus was already present for…
Read MoreThe unprecedented number of CEOs resigning was because they knew a plot to tank the economy was in place. The same way insider trading took place before 9/11.
As we continue taking in the nonstop news regarding the coronavirus, where celebrities seem to be testing positive everyday but nobody in middle America seems to know anybody who has it, a few questions are starting to come to the surface. Mainly, why did a historic number of CEOs resign over the last few months and what did they know? As has well been documented, there was a rash of insider trading in the days…
Read MoreAs strange as it may sound, if Americans don’t start seeing bodies in the streets, they’re going to ask if they just got duped.
This scenario may sound a little strange at first because of the amount of fear going around, but hear me out and I think you’ll see what I’m getting at despite the somewhat hyperbolic title. For now, it looks like the coming week will be the week that American cities effectively “shut down” due to actions taken to avoid the spread of the coronavirus. Schools, movie theaters, bars, and restaurant in several states look to…
Read MoreThe DNC party rules have no guidelines to follow if their nominee withdraws. If Biden dropped out after securing the nomination, the DNC can simply appoint anyone they want.
After Tuesday’s primary voting in Missouri and Michigan, it’s almost impossible for Bernie Sanders to mount a comeback and it now appears as though Joe Biden will earn the Democratic nomination this year. Of course, Biden’s completely unprecedented and impossible political comeback is very suspect, and I go into detail about that fact here. But for now I want to focus on Joe Biden being the nominee and what would happen if he dropped out…
Read MoreSide-by-side photo shows how drastically Joe Biden has aged since 2016. At this rate, could he even last another four years?
After last weeks completely unprecedented and almost impossible to believe surge by Joe Biden, it appears as though he is indeed the chosen candidate of the Democratic establishment and will ultimately get the nomination. But now as the honeymoon phase is beginning to wear off, even Democratic voters are having second thoughts about Biden’s health as he continues to struggle with memory loss at virtually every public appearance. At this point it’s no secret that…
Read MoreThe rigging continues – DNC terrified that Tulsi Gabbard would do to Biden what she did to Kamala Harris in the Detroit debate.
For a party that claims to fight for women, the DNC is doing everything in its power to screw over Tulsi Gabbard. After super Tuesday, Gabbard, the only female still in the race looked as though she would qualify for the March 15th debate based on the current rule set. However, today the DNC pulled the rug out from under Gabbard and changed the rules. They raised the delegate threshold to 20%, making it almost…
Read MoreThe engineered coronavirus should be a warning that the elites that rule over us have access to technology that is far too dangerous for them to be trusted with.
Since the beginning of the coronavirus outbreak, many experts have questioned the original official narrative that it was the result of wild animal meat being consumed by Chinese customers. Of course, considering this explanation was coming directly from the Chinese government, one would be right to immediately question it, as they are well known for providing false information to save face. Many experts believe the coronavirus was instead an engineered virus, and one that was…
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