It goes without saying that pandemics aren’t exactly a common occurrence, so someone would be right to admit they aren’t sure exactly how each one will play out. However, there are several aspects of the current pandemic that simply defy logic and common sense. And no, I’m not talking about toilet paper hoarding.
Below are 5 things about the coronavirus pandemic that just don’t seem to add up.
Why aren’t the huge homeless populations on the West Coast being overrun by the virus?
One of the biggest outbreaks of the virus here in America started in Washington state, most of the early deaths came from there as well. Washington and specifically Seattle have one of the worst homeless problems on the West Coast, similar to Portland and areas of California.
Homeless people live in very close quarters in Seattle, in what are known as tent cities. In these enclaves there is obviously very poor sanitation and other diseases seem to run rampant as we have seen in San Francisco where typhus and the plague have made a comeback among the homeless there. But for some reason, we haven’t heard about the coronovirus ripping through these communities when one would suspect this would be the first place the virus would get out of control.
Such a scenario could take place down the road I suppose, but it seems strange up to this point that the most vulnerable subset of people with the most unsanitary living conditions appear to be immune.
More people have been laid off work than actually have the virus in America.
In tourism based cities like Las Vegas, there are very few cases, yet the number of people already laid off or fired is in the tens of thousands. This seems strange that hardly anybody knows anyone who has the virus, yet residents of Las Vegas all know several people who have been laid off. Does this sound like a logical response? It sounds like the economic damage is coming before the virus outbreak is even happening.
In most pandemics, are businesses able to lay people off well before the pandemic actually happens? I don’t think so.
Very few legitimate videos from journalistic sources.
All of our video evidence in the early days of the outbreak out of China came from shaky smart phone video clips posted on social media. It’s impossible to confirm such videos or the people actually posting them on social media. This was all the evidence we had in a world where videos are shot of almost everything on a near-constant basis.
As the virus spread to other places such as Italy, there are still very few professionally shot videos to document what is going on. Once again, we have medical staff talking into their smart phones and posting on social media.
Even during wartime and intense fights on the battlefield, we get professionally filmed video. Yet as of now, there is very little video of actual patients or conditions other than smart phone clips.
The few professional videos that do exist are all of people who appear to fine and are just riding out the quarantine. Videos like this one shot by CNBC are far less scary than the smart phone videos. In the video shot by CNBC and networks such as CNN, the coronavirus “victims” appear to be more bored than anything as they wait for their quarantine to end. So which are the real videos that really tell the story? The mild professional videos or the unconfirmed smart phone videos where medical staff are seen panicking?
CEOs left town a long time ago.
As I outlined in this article, a record number of CEOs resigned in the past few months, coincidentally at the top of the market and right before the collapse of the stock market and possibly the global economy. Did they all have such great timing that they knew a global pandemic was coming? As I wrote in the article, 219 CEOs resigned in January alone. That was either astronomical luck or they knew something was coming before everyone else.
South Korea.
South Korea was one of the fist countries hit after China and at first looked like one of the worst. But so far they have had less than 100 deaths and the cases are subsiding. Of course, 100 deaths is never a positive thing, but out of 51 million South Koreans, that’s hardly a pandemic or a reason to tank the entire global economy. Does the current economic response and collapse seem proportional to what we are seeing in South Korea which was near the epicenter of the outbreak?
These are just 5 things that simply don’t add up and there are actually many more. For example, when the total cases were less than 2K here in America, why were so many high profile people testing positive? Tom Hanks, Idris Elba, and many other celebrities all tested positive out of such a tiny fraction of the population. That’s like going to a random McDonald’s and meeting Tom Cruise, Beyonce, and Lebron James all in the same day. It’s just not statistically plausible.
So while everyone should still be cautious and calmly avoid anything that could get them infected, we need to keep a very close eye on inconsistencies as this all plays out. Because as of right now, many things are just not adding up.
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