Let me start off by saying, I have no problem with anyone wearing a mask. If you choose to wear a mask, please do so. All I ask is that you wear it properly so you don’t end up making the situation worse by spreading the virus via a dirty and contaminated mask. Beyond that, I do have two simple questions for local officials who are forcing their constituents to wear masks via mandates. These…
Read MoreThrough a pointless mask debate, the media has adeptly caused Americans to blame other Americans for the coronavirus and shielded the real culprit which is the Chinese government.
If you’ve been anywhere on social media or simply watched cable news over the past few weeks, you’d be convinced that fighting the coronavirus has boiled down to one argument: Either wear a mask and save the planet or don’t wear a mask and be compared to a serial killer. Yes, despite being told by every expert that the only way to eradicate the virus was to impose the shutdown of every business in America…
Read MoreMajor corporations were quick to show their unwavering support for BLM protests, but now that protests are resulting in children being murdered, will they withdraw their support or share in the blame?
Barely more than 24 hours after the initial George Floyd inspired Black Lives Matter protests began, corporations of all types were quick to make public displays of their approval. Companies from Amazon to Apple all made unprecedented displays of support for the BLM protesters as they filled the streets to demonstrate. But quickly the protests turned violent. Looting and vandalism became the norm for nearly two weeks in every major city. New York’s most prestigious…
Read MoreNotice how the phrase “a new normal” only floods the media after new government restrictions are imposed?
There’s an interesting aspect of the phrase “a new normal” and once you notice it many of the things we are seeing in today’s world suddenly make more sense. The phrase “a new normal” is one that sort of hides under the surface, it’s used from time to time to describe a change of lifestyle or other personal life-change, but whenever there are newly imposed government restrictions, the phrase is suddenly inescapable. Every news article,…
Read MoreNot The Onion – Corporations fight racism and promote black inclusion by removing any trace of black characters from their logos.
If there’s one thing corporations seem to have nailed down at the moment, it’s the ability to make the perfect knee-jerk reaction to social media outrage. The latest trend is for corporations to beg for acceptance from the angry woke mob by suddenly deciding that their own logos and brand images are racist simply because they happen to contain black characters or personalities. The irony here is that their actions would suggest the exact opposite…
Read MoreFrom abortions for babies after they’re born to disbanding police departments, Progressives keep pushing ideas that have very little public support.
There’s been this conspiracy theory floating around that is actually more of a running joke than a real theory, but I’m almost starting to believe it. The theory is that the heavily left-leaning mainstream media is secretly trying to make Democrats look ridiculous so that Trump wins another election, and the legacy media can stave off their inevitable death for 4 more years. It’s an interesting theory but the truth is that Progressives that control…
Read MoreWhen every corporate PR department is bending over backwards to support your cause, you’re not part of a revolution. You’re part of a marketing campaign.
There’s been a question that keeps running through my head lately. It seems like an obvious enough question, but for some reason I’ve never heard anyone bring it up anywhere in the media. The question is, who exactly are these protests being aimed at? When it comes to the Black Lives Matter protests, I can’t find any major institutions that don’t fully support them. Virtually every influential institution, entity, or corporation is taking every chance…
Read MoreCEOs like Tim Cook and Roger Goodell should act as an example and move out of their all-white, gated communities and into the black neighborhoods they claim to want to help.
The totally empty and meaningless lip service just keeps coming. From Tim Cook’s open letter to a recent video by Roger Goodell who decided to change his opinion on NFL player protests, the virtue signaling has reached a fever pitch. It’s so prominent, you almost can’t avoid it. We also have the co-founder of Reddit, Alexis Ohanian who is stepping down from his position on Reddit’s board. The reason he stated was to make way…
Read MoreCharging police officers with second degree murder has a history of not returning a guilty verdict. Are prosecutors intentionally setting up a not-guilty scenario in Minneapolis?
On Wednesday, prosecutors announced they are escalating the charges against Officer Derek Chauvin in the murder of George Floyd. Now the main charge will be second degree murder. The news was mostly reported as a positive development, however second degree murder has a history of being much harder to prove, especially when it comes to police officers. One recent example is the killing of Daniel Shaver in Mesa, Arizona. Officer Philip Brailsford shot and killed…
Read MoreGreek BLM protesters firebomb US embassy. But why?
In a shocking scene that makes one believe the protests spreading around the world are nothing but an elitist plot, Greek BLM rioters firebombed a heavily guarded U.S. embassy in Athens. Protesters had signs written in English that read “Black Lives Matter” as well as “I can’t Breath”. According to reports, almost 3,000 protesters approached the embassy, at one point firing Molotov cocktails towards the entrance, forcing police to disperse teargas to try to regain…
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