Major corporations were quick to show their unwavering support for BLM protests, but now that protests are resulting in children being murdered, will they withdraw their support or share in the blame?

Major corporations were quick to show their unwavering support for BLM protests, but now that protests are resulting in children being murdered, will they withdraw their support or share in the blame?

Barely more than 24 hours after the initial George Floyd inspired Black Lives Matter protests began, corporations of all types were quick to make public displays of their approval. Companies from Amazon to Apple all made unprecedented displays of support for the BLM protesters as they filled the streets to demonstrate. But quickly the protests turned violent. Looting and vandalism became the norm for nearly two weeks in every major city. New York’s most prestigious…

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Starbucks executive Howard Schultz focuses on the real issues – Bathroom keys

Starbucks executive Howard Schultz focuses on the real issues – Bathroom keys

In the ongoing effort of Starbucks to embarrass itself by trying to change the world via its coffee shops, executive chairmen Howard Schultz has decided to take up an issue that is weighing on the minds of CEOs and business leaders around the globe…..Bathroom keys. Yes, the executive chairmen of a billion dollar multinational company has decided to formally announce his companies bathroom policies at a conference by the Atlantic Counsel. No, I’m not joking,…

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Amazon – Putting everyone out of business and paying zero taxes

Amazon – Putting everyone out of business and paying zero taxes

It was recently reported that Amazon paid no federal taxes in 2017. Currently Amazon is the 12th largest company in America, so the fact that they don’t pay taxes is a problem just on it’s face. But it points to a larger issue because of what Amazon has done to so many other businesses, which presumably did pay taxes. It’s not exactly news to say that Amazon has built it’s business by cannibalizing other businesses…

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