There’s an interesting theory floating around out there regarding the vaccine and mandates and how it all relates to a very long-term strategy to essentially cause worldwide chaos. This is highly speculative, so consider all of this more of a thought experiment more than anything. It’s not my theory by any means and plenty of people have brought it up before, but as time goes by events do start to line up with this theory…
Read MoreDomestic flights will soon require vaccination. Dr. Fauci is selling it the same way he sold boosters before becoming official policy.
If you want to predict the future, it’s becoming very easy to do, at least when it comes to covid restrictions and mandates. All you need to do is follow what the ringleaders such as Dr. Fauci are talking about as they make the rounds on cable news shows. The sell-job they use has become so predictable that they even use the same buzzwords and phrases each time they pre-sell what is coming next. First,…
Read MoreWith the plot to kidnap Governor Whitmer being exposed as an FBI operation. Why isn’t the Governor speaking out on how her life was put in danger by a fake FBI plot?
As I’m sure you’ve heard by now, the much publicized “plot” to kidnap Governor Whitmer of Michigan was totally orchestrated and created by the FBI and their band of shady “paid informants”. It wasn’t a “right-wing” plot hatched up by Trump supporters, as was originally claimed by the media. It has become so bad that court documents have now revealed over half of the people the FBI claimed were involved in the plot were actually…
Read MoreThe mainstream media has no problem reporting on human trafficking, but once you suggest that elites are involved, they suddenly declare it’s all a conspiracy theory.
With the Maxwell trial in deliberations and the exploits of Jeffrey Epstein now known to everyone, it begs a certain question from the media. As we know, the media seems to have no issue covering human trafficking stories. In fact, with the Super Bowl just around the corner, you can expect these to pick up as the news loves to talk about how the Super Bowl is often a central hub for human trafficking. However,…
Read More“Nobody could see it coming” – Sound familiar? They said it with 9/11, now Biden says it with Omicron.
Just this week Joe Biden and his administration made the almost laughable claim that “nobody could see it coming” in regards to the Omicron variant which is now reigniting lockdown discusssion all around the globe along with a push for even more booster shots. Biden’s claim is almost impossible to take seriously considering that he’s been talking about nothing but covid, a supposed “dark winter”, and covid variants for nearly a year straight. Yet now…
Read MoreWhy you shouldn’t attack Trump for his vaccine statements and how he’s laying out a winning strategy for 2024.
Trump’s recent interview with Candace Owens and the focus on the vaccines and mandates seemed to surprise a lot of people, although it shouldn’t have. Trump once again showed pride for helping to create the vaccine in record time, and also pushed their safety, despite Candace Owens interjecting. Some Trump supporters took this to mean that Trump has jumped on board with the overzealous pro-vaxx movement that wants to vaccinate every man, woman, and child…
Read MoreFirst U.K. and Texas Omicron deaths appear to be fake news. Officials refuse to release details of both cases.
As I’m sure you’ve noticed, health officials in the U.K. and here in America just couldn’t wait to report on the first death from Omicron. Despite being extremely mild, and some areas reporting Omicron results in as much as 70% lower hospitalizations, the media and health officials were determined to carry on with their fear mongering. But the problem is, it seems they had to stretch a little bit to even find a case where…
Read MoreHas the recent crime wave reached the ruling class? House Democrat and Illinois senate leader both carjacked within 24 hours.
We all know crime is surging around the country. Fueled by society-destroying lockdown measures, a failing economy, and lax prosecutors, the surge is unlike anything ever seen before. In fact, 16 large American cities have all posted an all time record number of murders for the year. If you live anywhere near a major city, I’m sure you’ve either witnessed this first hand or are well aware of the rising crime just about everywhere. But…
Read MoreWith it becoming more and more difficult to try to blame the unvaccinated, will the blame now shift to the true cause of Covid, China?
If you’ve been keeping tabs on the covid clown show, you’ve probably noticed a shift in tone among officials as they take to cable news to push their narrative. The shift comes from the fact that it’s becoming increasingly more difficult to try to lay the blame on the unvaccinated for all the problems arising from the pandemic. As statistics and even mere observation are proving, the vaccinated are catching covid at the exact same…
Read MoreThere is likely already a plot to indict and perp-walk Trump at the start of the 2024 election season. They’ll do it just like they did to Roger Stone.
The ongoing dog and pony show known as the January 6th committee has nothing at all to do with protecting democracy or whatever other claims and justifications may have been made for its existence. Instead, the real reason is part of a long-game plan to derail Trump’s 2024 presidential run. From the moment establishment Democrats seized power via shady mail-in balloting, they knew Trump would return in 2024. They knew what the real vote totals…
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