Democrats claim to be the party of women. But they seem to be happy exploiting any woman they can find just to score political points.

Democrats claim to be the party of women. But they seem to be happy exploiting any woman they can find just to score political points.

I suppose we are going to have to expect the Democrats to be spending the next week (and probably more) declaring that they are the party for women. But in reality, since the election of Trump, the Democratic party along with their media puppets have exploited any woman they can find to increase their ratings and score political points. Take the most obvious example of Stormy Daniels and her attorney Micheal Avenatti. Stormy Daniels had…

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Tragedy profiteer Michael Moore’s new movie a box office flop. Proving again that the progressive talking points don’t resonate outside of their own bubble.

Tragedy profiteer Michael Moore’s new movie a box office flop. Proving again that the progressive talking points don’t resonate outside of their own bubble.

Michael Moore, the filmmaker who has amassed quite a fortune by profiteering from American tragedy is not going to be happy with his latest box office results. His latest documentary titled Fahrenheit 11/9 was touted as the movie that would bring down Trump, or at least that’s how Moore sold it on his press tour. However, after the initial screening, his latest movie appears to be just a cash grab, using concepts from his past…

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Ever notice how despite the constant fake news and false allegations, Trump supporters never call for any censorship or banning of progressives.

Ever notice how despite the constant fake news and false allegations, Trump supporters never call for any censorship or banning of progressives.

Although the Kavanaugh hearing is sucking all the air out of the news cycle right now, one of the bigger issues before that and going into the midterms will be the continued censorship by social media platforms. That issue is somewhat on the back-burner for now, but it is going to be a huge issue going into the midterms if conservatives continue to be censored, and it’s going to be even bigger if nothing is…

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If the FBI investigates the allegations against Kavanaugh, it will mean the FBI has become nothing more than a politically motivated hit squad.

If the FBI investigates the allegations against Kavanaugh, it will mean the FBI has become nothing more than a politically motivated hit squad.

Late today the Kavanaugh confirmation process took another silly turn. After starting the week with 35 year old allegations of an alleged high school altercation gone wrong, it was quickly announced that the accuser, Dr. Blasey Ford would testify this coming Monday, along with Kavanaugh himself. However, now it appears that Democrats have formed a unified front and will not allow her to testify until a formal FBI investigation is conducted into the allegations. The…

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Anne Hathaway’s comments prove that elite progressives have created such a toxic environment that they have to denounce their own heritage just to be accepted by the mob they themselves created.

Anne Hathaway’s comments prove that elite progressives have created such a toxic environment that they have to denounce their own heritage just to be accepted by the mob they themselves created.

Actress Anne Hathaway has once again proven the grim and frightening future that progressives want us all to live in. While receiving a so-called “Equality Award” she went on a rant during her acceptance speech where she denounced every aspect of her birth and heritage, except that of being of woman. Hathaway reportedly said: “with the exception of being a cisgender male, everything about how I was born has put me at the current center…

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Illegal immigration is so damaging to a country for the same reason a squatter in an abandoned home doesn’t cut the grass. When you get something illegally you don’t respect it.

Illegal immigration is so damaging to a country for the same reason a squatter in an abandoned home doesn’t cut the grass. When you get something illegally you don’t respect it.

Many years back I worked at an investment bank, and at the time it seemed as though we were upgrading our computers almost constantly. Due to that, we were hiring a huge number of IT people. One of those people was a Pakistani immigrant who I struck up a few conversations with. His English was a little broken, but he was a good guy who worked hard and we developed a friendship. He would tell…

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By using “harassment” as an excuse to ban users and sub-Reddits, tech companies in effect can block any legitimate criticism of anyone they wish to protect.

By using “harassment” as an excuse to ban users and sub-Reddits, tech companies in effect can block any legitimate criticism of anyone they wish to protect.

As some of you may be aware, Reddit is mass-banning a slew of sub-Reddits, including the very popular r/thegreatawakening which was central source of information and discussion around the “Q-anon” conspiracy which has gained quite a bit of mainstream attention in recent months. This banning is part of a long term plan by so-called power mods at Reddit. They have laid out a list of sub-reddits to be banned and they are well on their…

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Why it is so important that those behind the fake Trump smear campaign be brought to justice.

Why it is so important that those behind the fake Trump smear campaign be brought to justice.

I’m sure all of you are well aware of the constant false attacks on Trump, his business partners, and even his family. These false attacks have come non-stop from the media, deep state intelligence officials, and out-of-control FBI agents. And while Trump has stood tall and has not backed down, we must think about the future and what this all means for when Trump is no longer President. The elite ruling class of this country…

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Snoop Dogg goes on racist rant on Instagram. Will his account be banned?

Snoop Dogg goes on racist rant on Instagram. Will his account be banned?

Tonight, the UFC hosted the Welterweight Championship fight between title holder Tyrone Woodley and number one contender Darren Till. It was a much anticipated fight and one that featured a champion on a winning streak versus a young up-and-coming fighter on a winning streak of his own. That was the main narrative going into the fight. However, leave it up to Snoop Dogg to turn the whole thing into a battle of the races when…

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The true purpose of the anonymous NYT editorial: To provide an explanation for Trump’s unprecedented policy success despite the deep state constantly saying he’s incompetent.

The true purpose of the anonymous NYT editorial: To provide an explanation for Trump’s unprecedented policy success despite the deep state constantly saying he’s incompetent.

There was an underlying and subtle purpose to the anonymous New York Times editorial making waves today, and the reason speaks volumes. Of course, the main and obvious purpose of the editorial was to keep up the false narrative that Trump and his administration are dysfunctional and running off the rails. This false narrative is pretty obvious as just yesterday the main news was Bob Woodward’s full-on media tour for his new book saying the…

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