The 2018 flu vaccine was only 25% effective. But we are being led to believe that a covid19 vaccine will be 100% effective before its even been invented.

The 2018 flu vaccine was only 25% effective. But we are being led to believe that a covid19 vaccine will be 100% effective before its even been invented.

The experts are at it again. This time telling everyone that the only way to really get the world back to normalĀ  is to get everyone vaccinated against the coronavirus. From self-appointed expert Bill Gates (who has no medical training), to Dr. Fauci, they all tell us a vaccine will allow us to go back to our normal lives. Anything less simply will not work. But what gives them such confidence in a vaccine? They…

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Bizarro World! 5 things the “experts” told us that turned out to be the exact opposite of what they said just weeks earlier.

Bizarro World! 5 things the “experts” told us that turned out to be the exact opposite of what they said just weeks earlier.

If you’re anything like me, you’ve noticed a trend taking place over the last month or so when it comes to what the so-called “experts” are telling us. That trend seems to be that whatever the experts say, time ends up proving the opposite to be true and the experts end up totally reversing their original opinion. Below are 5 major examples of the experts completely reversing their opinions. Masks – At the onset of…

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The media attacks any sign of hope or good news, but then labels anyone who questions the doomsday predictions as a conspiracy theorist. They have essentially censored hope.

The media attacks any sign of hope or good news, but then labels anyone who questions the doomsday predictions as a conspiracy theorist. They have essentially censored hope.

I didn’t know it was possible for the media to sink even lower than they have over the last 3 years. But that’s exactly what they have done during this pandemic and it’s a truly disgusting disservice to the American people. What the media has essentially done is shut down any talk of hope or positive news as it relates to the pandemic. Any sign of good news is immediately questioned and challenged. On the…

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Everything the elites do immediately and negatively impacts our lives now. As they grow more powerful, there’s no way to escape the effects of their crazy schemes.

Everything the elites do immediately and negatively impacts our lives now. As they grow more powerful, there’s no way to escape the effects of their crazy schemes.

Even before the coronavirus pandemic turned the world upside down in the span of two weeks, people were already miserable. A few months ago when the calendar turned to the year 2020, for the first time in my life I saw younger people longing for the previous decade even before this one had started. For those who are a little older, I’m sure you can remember that each new decade was warmly welcomed, and relics…

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The fear mongering lead-up to the Iraq war was eerily similar to how the coronavirus pandemic is being portrayed in the media today.

The fear mongering lead-up to the Iraq war was eerily similar to how the coronavirus pandemic is being portrayed in the media today.

There’s been a strange sense of familiarity with the coverage and hysteria regarding the coronavirus outbreak. For the last few weeks I kept getting the feeling that I’ve seen this all play out before, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. But then it dawned on me while watching one of the cable news networks and it all became clear. I was watching the bold graphics flash across the screen that read “coronavirus…

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For over a month the experts have told us America is only a week behind Italy. Well, it never happened. The experts were wrong.

For over a month the experts have told us America is only a week behind Italy. Well, it never happened. The experts were wrong.

It seems hard for some to understand, but the so-called “experts” can sometimes be wrong. In fact, they’re often wrong. If they were always right we would all live in a utopia where the experts perfectly managed a perfect world. Many experts have filled the cable news shows and Twitter to tell us all that America was only a week behind Italy. Whatever was going on in Italy, confirmed or not, was undoubtedly coming to…

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How the coronavirus combined with the media’s obsession with portraying Trump’s presidency as an apocalyptic event created the perfect storm of fear-mongering hysteria.

How the coronavirus combined with the media’s obsession with portraying Trump’s presidency as an apocalyptic event created the perfect storm of fear-mongering hysteria.

A few days ago I wrote about how the coronavirus response could turn out to be one of the biggest false alarms in history. Of course, for the benefit of all of us, I hope I’m proven right on that because it will mean all the terrible forecasts never came true. That should make everyone happy, except of course for those in the media. It’s very possible that we have witnessed a perfect storm where…

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