The true purpose of the anonymous NYT editorial: To provide an explanation for Trump’s unprecedented policy success despite the deep state constantly saying he’s incompetent.

The true purpose of the anonymous NYT editorial: To provide an explanation for Trump’s unprecedented policy success despite the deep state constantly saying he’s incompetent.

There was an underlying and subtle purpose to the anonymous New York Times editorial making waves today, and the reason speaks volumes. Of course, the main and obvious purpose of the editorial was to keep up the false narrative that Trump and his administration are dysfunctional and running off the rails. This false narrative is pretty obvious as just yesterday the main news was Bob Woodward’s full-on media tour for his new book saying the…

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The parallels between Trump’s attacks on Google and his attacks on the NFL and why they are both winning issues for him.

The parallels between Trump’s attacks on Google and his attacks on the NFL and why they are both winning issues for him.

Another week and another example of President Trump getting the press to talk about exactly what he wants them to talk about, and that’s the fact that social media and tech companies are stifling free speech. Of course, the media was quick to defend companies like Google and Facebook, not even realizing that if anyone other than Trump accused Google or Facebook for being evil, most people would agree. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg just spent…

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Last week there was much speculation as to what Mueller had up his sleeve. But Trump may have few surprises in store as well.

Last week there was much speculation as to what Mueller had up his sleeve. But Trump may have few surprises in store as well.

Last week was full of news about Mueller’s latest tactics and what they may show us as to where he plans on taking his “Russia” investigation. Pundits on the left were quick to say that Mueller must have plenty up his sleeve that he has yet to reveal. And while I have no doubt Mueller has a few surprises left. Mainly going after Trump’s friends and family onĀ  things that are totally unrelated to the…

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Of course Progressives love the idea to #cancelwhitepeople. Eugenics and forced government sterilization were both ideas championed by Progressive elites for decades.

Of course Progressives love the idea to #cancelwhitepeople. Eugenics and forced government sterilization were both ideas championed by Progressive elites for decades.

Progressives seem to love digging up the past in an effort to paint their enemies as backwards, on the wrong side of history, and misguided. However, they also try to hide their own history, which exposes them as champions of some of the most sadistic and twisted ideologies ever practiced by mankind. Something that is beyond explanation is the excitement that elite Progressives now have over the idea of white people being exterminated or otherwise…

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The untold reason why Trump’s approval with black voters is climbing ever higher.

The untold reason why Trump’s approval with black voters is climbing ever higher.

Something that I have suspected for some time is starting to show up in the polls in a big way. And that is the fact that support for President Trump among black voters is steadily increasing. A recent Rasmussen poll puts Trump’s approval rating among black voters to be a staggering 36%. This is double the approval rating last year, which was just 19%, a lower number yet still relatively good even at that for…

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If the deep state anti-Trump cabal fails to turn the House and Senate Democratic, expect to see much more sinister tactics from them after the midterms.

If the deep state anti-Trump cabal fails to turn the House and Senate Democratic, expect to see much more sinister tactics from them after the midterms.

With the midterm elections quickly approaching and the early signs pointing to a dwindling chance that Democrats will get their “blue wave”, it’s time to start looking at what the deep states plan will be after the elections. It’s pretty obvious that the deep state cabal running the Mueller witch hunt that wants Trump out is banking on the mid term elections. They hope to turn the House and Senate Democratic and then start non-stop…

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Peter Strozk’s Go Fund Me page raises $200K in a day. This is either a back door payoff or Democrats now think donating money to a wealthy man is how you “fight the power”

Peter Strozk’s Go Fund Me page raises $200K in a day. This is either a back door payoff or Democrats now think donating money to a wealthy man is how you “fight the power”

Recently fired FBI man Peter Strozk seems to already have found a new occupation. Professional beggar. After being fired by his own agency, the “friends” of Peter Strozk started a Go Fund Me campaign for the disgraced former agent. In only day it has raised over $200K which is suppose to go towards Strozk’s legal defense, although in the actual fundraising campaign it doesn’t say exactly how the money will be used, only that updates…

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The current divisive climate in this country is the result of Hillary Clinton and the DNC spending $1 billion in 2016 to convince America that half the population is racist.

The current divisive climate in this country is the result of Hillary Clinton and the DNC spending $1 billion in 2016 to convince America that half the population is racist.

It’s often mentioned how divisive our culture has become. Virtually everyone can see it and it stems mostly from current political differences. But what bothers me is that pundits and others act as though this is all just some slow moving natural evolution, and we had been trending in this direction all along and now this is just where we all ended up. But I believe that couldn’t be further from the truth. Of course,…

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How the deep state inspired Mueller witch hunt was launched too soon and will totally fizzle out before the midterms

How the deep state inspired Mueller witch hunt was launched too soon and will totally fizzle out before the midterms

Insight & Opinion It looks by all measures the Mueller-Russia witch hunt is running out of steam. Instead of being a mid-term game changer, it’s starting to look more likely that the misguided, deep state led witch hunt will limp across the finish line, smoking and sputtering and having accomplished very little except expose the true nature of the FBI and CIA. But with that all that being said, it helps to illuminate another aspect…

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Democrats repackaging their anti-Trump rhetoric as “patriotic” in an attempt to counter the #walkaway movement.

Democrats repackaging their anti-Trump rhetoric as “patriotic” in an attempt to counter the #walkaway movement.

It looks like the viral #walkaway movement has finally caused the Progressive left and the Democrats to tweak their narrative. Although it took them long enough to realize it, they have finally seen that bashing America doesn’t really resonate with the moderates they need to win an election. Calling everyone a Nazi, or protesting during the anthem, or saying “America was never great” have all been losing narratives for them as moderate democrats distance themselves…

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