The shocking (not so shocking) death of Jefferey Epstein while in federal prison happened less than 48 hours ago, so this is very much a developing story. However, a few pieces are coming together that had me wondering about a remote possibility that while at other times may sound crazy, could totally be possible in our current crazy world. What I’m talking about is the possibility that Epstein’s murder was set up to falsely implicate…
Read MoreThere’s really only one question. Is society unraveling or are we being intentionally divided.
One of the few things almost everyone in our divided country can agree on is the fact that it feels like we are witnessing an unraveling of society. No matter what you believe ideologically or politically, when you turn on the news you feel as though we are watching the early stages of a culture in decline. But that’s exactly the interesting part. Even though we are so divided as a country right now, we…
Read MoreJust because their first attempt failed, there’s no reason to assume the FBI has given up trying to oust Trump.
It’s easy to get excited over the latest declassification that points to the fact that the FBI was involved in a plot to remove Trump from office. It offers us all some hope that justice may be served. Just today Bruce Ohr’s 302 documents were declassified and proved much of what had been speculated by Trump supporters for some time. The FBI and factions in the intelligence community conspired to remove a duly elected President…
Read MoreRight on cue, CNN to air hour long special “State of Hate”. Its almost as if this is all coordinated.
With mainstream media and Democrats alike suddenly pushing the false narrative that “white supremacy” is exploding all over America, CNN just happens to have a recent special already filmed and ready to air all weekend. Almost in unison, every mainstream media outlet and Democratic candidate has been using the term “white supremacy” to replace their previously favored smear “racist”. If you think this all feels like a coordinated effort, its because it clearly is. There…
Read MorePushing back against the media’s “white nationalist” narrative will soon be considered hate speech.
It’s becoming all too clear what the media and Democrats are planning as we go into the 2020 election cycle. We saw it on full display this week as the media went crazy with accusations that Trump himself inspires terrorism, and specifically white nationalist terrorism. The phrasing was all over the media and on the pages of the New York Times and The Washington Post. A video below shows Tim Pool exposing all the top…
Read MoreWhat we’ve seen over the last few days is just a taste of what the media will do in 2020.
Just as we saw in the lead-up to the 2016 election, the media is ramping up its efforts to create a dangerous racial divide in this country. After two recent shootings in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio, the media immediately went into overdrive stoking racial division before the motives behind the shootings were even known. But what we know now shows a much different picture, at least if you’ve been believing the media for…
Read MoreAs social media companies try to blame everyone else for spreading “hate” they should look in the mirror instead. Their manipulation has caused dangerous echo chambers and alienation.
Virtually every social media company and their respective CEO has publicly said they are working hard to eliminate so-called “hate speech” from their platform. In fact, many CEO’s like Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey even say it’s one of their top priorities. But maybe these CEO’s need to look in the mirror and realize that it’s their own actions that are causing some of these widespread cultural and societal problems. Their manipulation of thought, speech,…
Read MoreWith the fake news media, suddenly every national tragedy becomes political.
By now as everyone is aware, there were a rash of “mass shootings” around the country over the weekend. But as shocking as those tragedies were, the speed at which the mainstream media politicized them in unison was even more shocking. Within hours of the shooting in El Paso, the media was already painting a picture that framed Trump and his followers as the cause behind the shooting. Below is just one example of how…
Read MoreBeing labeled a domestic terror threat isn’t just a label, it greatly reduces the Constitutional rights of the person being labeled.
Although not really covered in the mainstream media, the leaked memo demonstrating that the FBI now considers “conspiracy theorists” to be a domestic terror threat is a very frightening development. In one example in the leaked memo, the FBI used language to suggest those that believe in a so-called “deep state” can be considered domestic terrorists. In other words, questioning the mainstream narrative and those who control it now makes you a terrorist. But this…
Read MoreDebate ratings plummet – As voter interest fades in Democratic candidates, is it a sign those voters aren’t as eager to replace Trump as the media would have you believe?
Ratings for the second Democratic debate are in and they are not a good sign for Democrats. As reported by Breitbart, ratings dropped significantly from the first debates just a few weeks ago. This time the debates barely attracted 10 million viewers, when just a few weeks earlier they were able to attract about 15 million interested viewers. Of course, we are still early in the nomination process so I don’t expect people to be…
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