If you’ve spent any time on message boards or social media, I’m sure you’ve seen plenty of people arguing this or that and then posting links to back up their claims. One link you probably see pretty often is from Forbes. The once trusted business news source still has value in its name, and most people still feel it’s a reputable news source. But what most people don’t know is that Forbes is a majority…
Read MorePeople still underestimate the impact of the Russia-hoax. It wasn’t just a political attack, it set the playbook for everything we are seeing today.
Although completely memory-holed by the mainstream media, despite their constant pushing of the story for 5 years, the importance of the Russia-hoax is still not fully appreciated. Many people simply see it as a political attack against Trump, a case of simple political bickering that resolved itself for the most part. But this couldn’t be further from the truth. The Russia-hoax kicked off the entire era that we are currently living in where everything in…
Read MoreThe SCOTUS decision on mandates was no surprise to the Biden administration. The whole goal was to trick people into following a law that was never really a law in the first place.
Since it was first announced, we wrote on this site about how Biden’s vaccine mandate was unconstitutional. We also wrote about how the administration already knew that, but instead tried to get people to follow a law they knew was unconstitutional. The whole playbook the Biden administration is now using is extremely troubling in the way they openly push illegal mandates in the hopes of forcing compliance in the time between them announcing it and…
Read MoreA look into evidence behind the Omicron “Whitehat” theory. If true, it means we’ve all become powerless to the whims of the elites and the technology they control.
There’s an interesting theory floating around that perhaps you’ve heard by now. It’s called the Omicron Whitehat theory, which essentially postulates that Omicron was created and released by some entity to help stop the pandemic. The reasoning being that Omicron is highly contagious yet very mild compared to Delta, so people can safely gain immunity and essentially put an end to the pandemic. For those unaware, the term “whitehat” generally refers to people who do…
Read MoreAs the narrative on the vaccines shift, they will need a fall guy. Dr. Fauci looks like the most likely candidate.
We actually wrote about this almost a year ago, but as usual, things do take some time to play out. It was clear from day-one that the official covid and vaccine narrative would one day collapse. Maybe it would be a slow collapse, or maybe a sudden disclosure, but a lie of this magnitude cannot go on forever in this day and age. It’s eventually exposed, even to the most ardent supporters of the establishment…
Read MoreChina is waging an unrestricted hybrid war against Americans, but most people don’t even realize it yet despite there being over 1 million casualties already.
Americans need to wake up to what’s really going on around them. They are already becoming the early casualties of an all-out unrestricted hybrid war being waged by the CCP against America, and the world. An unrestricted hybrid war is a type of warfare that uses all available tactics to wage war in an unconventional way, just not through traditional military mechanisms such as bombs, troops, aircraft, and so on. The goal here is to…
Read MoreExecutive Assistant FBI director Jill Sanborn was asked if any FBI agents committed crimes on Jan 6th. She replied… “I can’t answer that”.
There was a very telling exchange today as Senator Ted Cruz grilled Jill Sanborn, Executive Assistant Director at the Federal Bureau of Investigation on the events of January 6th. Cruz specifically asked Sanborn about FBI agents and confidential informants and their involvement in the events on that day. Her answers are rather telling, or should we say, her lack of answers were rather telling. Below is a sampling of the questions and replies by Sanborn….
Read MoreThe media talks about “misinformation”, yet they have no problem posting totally unproven headlines like “Deltacron” before being confirmed.
If there’s one buzzword that has taken over during the pandemic, it’s probably the word “misinformation”. Basically, anything the mainstream media or big-tech doesn’t agree with suddenly gets labeled as misinformation. Even when there is no data to support either side of an argument, the establishment simply declares anyone they disagree with as spreading misinformation, and then they get banned or censored. But it seems this is only a one-way street. The media and social…
Read MoreDemocrats made a deal with the devil when they partnered with big tech. They’ll eventually be sold-out just like the rest of us.
Democrats are currently enjoying the benefits of their cozy relationship with big-tech. Any news story they want suppressed gets taken down by their buddies at the big social media platforms. Search results and news feeds are all manipulated to make sure the Democrat talking points are all pushed while counter arguments are shadowbanned, censored, or “reach-limited”. It’s a pretty good deal for Democrats at the moment. Not only does big-tech handle all their messaging and…
Read MoreLooks like Dan Crenshaw joined the club. His investment portfolio matched Nancy Pelosi in market-beating returns.
Is there anything that former special forces and Ivy League graduate Dan Crenshaw can’t do? Well, he can now add the title as one of the most successful financial traders to his list of accolades. While it has become public knowledge that Nancy Pelosi is one of the most prolific and successful traders of all time, beating hedge funds and full-time traders by double-digits year after year when it comes to returns on investment. All…
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