If you watch any of the cable news channels such as CNN or MSNBC, you would get the impression that Progressives and the Democratic party are in lockstep unison and have a solid plan to take back the White House inĀ 2020. But in reality, they’re a party in complete disarray. Even former President Obama lamented about the state of the Democratic party during a recent speech in Germany. After mentioning himself a record number…
Read MoreIf the media wanted to protect Biden, they wouldn’t even cover the story.
So why is the left-leaning media even covering the Joe Biden scandal? The answer is simple, they don’t want him to start his campaign and start attracting those big Democratic donors. Let’s be real. If the mainstream media wanted the Biden story to go away, they wouldn’t even cover it. The same way the media almost refuses to cover stories about Americans being murdered by illegal immigrants. If they want a story or a narrative…
Read MoreBiden sunk by the Democratic establishment before he even starts.
Well, it looks like Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign bid is crashing and burning before it even starts. News broke a few days ago that a woman has come forward and alleged that Joe Biden inappropriately touched her during a political event in Nevada. Strangely but not surprising, another photo from the same event seems to show Biden smelling the hair of actress Eva Longoria. What makes this so interesting and not at all surprise is…
Read MoreThe Progressive slight-of-hand that allows them to call everyone a racist.
The Progressive left has a performed a rather deft slight-of-hand on American culture over the last two years. As I’m sure you’re well aware, starting off during the 2016 elections the Progressive left has been pushing the narrative that racism and white-supremacist ideology is not only on the rise, it’s entrenched in all aspects of American society and worse than ever. This notion has been taught in universities for some time, but during the election…
Read MoreHow did America become so corrupt? You can blame the death of the newspaper for much of it.
In light of recent events, many Americans are scratching their heads and wondering how in the world did America become so corrupt. Story after story has the same underlying tone suggesting that yet another American institution is corrupt at the highest level. But it’s not just big institutions like the FBI, at the local level we are seeing rampant and out of control corruption as well. Small towns, big cities, and the suburbs are all…
Read MoreWhat will the desperate deep state do now to protect themselves from Trump?
It’s welcome news that most of the reasonable people in America and the rest of world finally now understand that the whole Russian collusion narrative was a hoax. However, many of the people involved in creating and perpetrating that hoax are still right there in places of power of influence. With this in mind one has to wonder what exactly are they capable of doing now to protect themselves from investigation and possible prosecution, if…
Read MoreWhy the Smollett case looks like a cover up to protect Kamala Harris
Today a somewhat shocking announcement came out of Chicago where prosecutors decided that they are dropping all charges against Jussie Smollett related to his staged attack early this year. The news comes as quite a surprise seeing as how the evidence against him was seemingly airtight, including witnesses, confessions by those he hired, and physical evidence that all pointed towards his guilt. And although many people are upset that Smollett’s wrongdoing is being swept under…
Read MoreThe FBI, U.S. intelligence, the media, and big tech all knowingly conspired to create the largest American scandal in history.
Trump supporters have been rightfully celebrating since the release of AG Barr’s summary of the Mueller investigations stating that there was zero of evidence of Russian collusion. However, once the giddiness of being right starts to wear off, it will be replaced with anger when the scope of this giant hoax starts to become apparent to sober observers. There is no doubt that when you fully understand the Russia collusion hoax, you will realize it’s…
Read MoreThe mainstream media always knew the Russia investigation was going to end like this.
Let’s be honest, the mainstream media knew all along that this was exactly how the Mueller investigation was going to end. Despite the fact that there have been two straight years of wild Russia collusion conspiracies being peddled by the mainstream media, they knew all along there was never going to be any evidence of such a thing when the report came out. So why did the media set themselves for such an obvious embarrassment?…
Read MoreSo much of modern far-left Progressive ideology is based on self-hatred.
There is an underlying attribute to much of the bizarre far-left ideology we are seeing today. Once you start to notice it, it explains a lot of the aggressive and inexplicable behavior we are seeing among the far-left. It seems many aspects of modern far-left ideology are based on some variation of self-hatred. Whether it be to hate your own masculine traits, hate your feminine traits and instead want to be seen as having masculine…
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