As we enter the month of October and virtually every public place in America is still requiring the wearing of masks, one has to start to wonder when this will all end.
The fact that after 7 months of various mandates, there is still no standard for what masks should be made out of or even how they are made. Local governments, mainly in Democrat run cities and states, have all told their citizens that any “face covering” will work, even if it’s homemade.
The problem with the “homemade” part is that there is no way to know what fabric is being used, so the effectiveness of these homemade masks is essentially zero. It’s totally dependent on whatever material the maker happened to have lying around that they didn’t mind cutting up.
All of this nonsense led to me make the comparison to another virus, in this case HIV. At the height of the HIV epidemic, when it was discovered how the virus was transmitted, governments and health organizations called for the widespread use of condoms. If you were alive during that time, I’m sure you saw the PSA commercials calling for “safe sex” as it was labeled at the time. The phrase “safe sex” became a part of the culture.
But one thing that didn’t become part of the culture were those same government and health officials calling for people to make their own condoms to prevent the spread of a virus. Never did they tell Americans to go find whatever flexible plastic or latex they had lying around and fashion it into a condom.
Of course, the idea of a homemade condom probably sounds ridiculous, and that’s the point. Telling people to wear a homemade mask that at best may be 10% effective at stopping a virus is no different then telling people to make homemade condoms to stop HIV or other STDs.
I’m sure if people were told to make homemade condoms, some of those homemade creations would have some effectiveness. Probably in the 5-10% range, similar to homemade masks made out of random materials. However, the government and health officials would never even contemplate telling people to make homemade condoms.
So what’s the difference?
There is no difference, and that’s what makes the homemade mask mandate so ridiculous. If you compare it to other health issues where virus transmission is concerned, telling people to make homemade protection is absurd. Even more absurd, after 7 months these government officials have still not created any sort of guidelines or standards for masks. This proves the mandates are all about wearing the mask, not the actual effectiveness of the mask.
So the next time someone tells you how effective a homemade mask is, ask them if they would ever use a homemade condom. They’ll probably reply by saying that’s absurd, then you can simply answer back, “of course it is.”