A simple question for local and state officials. What threshold must be met for them to lift ALL restrictions? (Hint: They won’t ever tell you)

A simple question for local and state officials. What threshold must be met for them to lift ALL restrictions? (Hint: They won’t ever tell you)

As governors like California’s Gavin Newsom impose newer and more stringent restrictions on how people can live their lives and make a living, there is one simple question that needs to be asked. While many governors keep talking about the exact upper threshold of cases for implementing new restrictions, they leave out what the criteria is for completely removing all restrictions. So here is the question that needs to be asked. What is the threshold…

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Three questions nobody can answer about the new covid-19 vaccine, including what’s even in it.

Three questions nobody can answer about the new covid-19 vaccine, including what’s even in it.

For those that follow this site, you’ll know I’ve already raised questions regarding these new covid-19 vaccines and the fact that they’re based on a totally new, never-before-used technology known as an mRNA vaccine. Essentially, these new vaccines reprogram your own cells on the genetic level to create virus particles. You can read more details about that here. But as the vaccine is already being shipped and deployed as I write this, there are even…

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An interesting theory on why Trump’s lawyers didn’t file for a federal injunction to pause the vote counting on election night.

An interesting theory on why Trump’s lawyers didn’t file for a federal injunction to pause the vote counting on election night.

Although a lot has happened since November 3rd, if you can remember back to the night of the 2020 election something strange happened that had a lot of observers scratching their heads, including myself. As the votes were being tallied late into the night on Tuesday and into Wednesday morning, Trump decided to make an official announcement regarding the election. During that appearance, he made a statement that at the time seemed to be nothing…

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After reading through Sydney Powell’s two lawsuits it becomes apparent this fraud had to have been managed from the top. But who was the quarterback?

After reading through Sydney Powell’s two lawsuits it becomes apparent this fraud had to have been managed from the top. But who was the quarterback?

Sydney Powell delivered on her promise of releasing the “Kraken” as it had been dubbed by Trump supporters and Powell herself. Two huge lawsuits were filed by Powell late in the night right before Thanksgiving. One lawsuit in Michigan and another in Georgia. Both lawsuits describe a sprawling operation to rig the vote counting and tilt the 2020 election results in favor of Joe Biden. Initially the complaint describes an old-fashioned ballot stuffing operation, but…

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Trump’s legal team’s statement on Sydney Powell was simply paving the way for the upcoming Supreme Court case. There are two separate legal pathways. One on equal protection and PA voting rules. The second is Dominion software.

Trump’s legal team’s statement on Sydney Powell was simply paving the way for the upcoming Supreme Court case. There are two separate legal pathways. One on equal protection and PA voting rules. The second is Dominion software.

There was a lot of speculation on Sunday when the Trump campaign released a statement clarifying that Sydney Powell is not a part of the formal Trump legal team. Of course, the media ran with this as evidence that Sydney Powell was “fired” for making false and outlandish accusations and that the rest of the claims made by Trump’s team are equally false. However, that’s not the case at all and a simple look at…

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Notice how for 10 months of this “pandemic” we’ve always been right on the brink of a “dark time” but it never seems to come?

Notice how for 10 months of this “pandemic” we’ve always been right on the brink of a “dark time” but it never seems to come?

If you’ve followed the news at all recently I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase “dark winter” uttered by Joe Biden, Dr. Fauci, and many others for the past several weeks. The term is being used to express how dire the upcoming months will be in regards to the pandemic. It will be worse than we’ve ever experienced or even imagined. At least that’s what they want you to believe. But if all of this sounds…

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Fox news was always just a product, not an ally. And like any product, it can be discarded when no longer useful.

Fox news was always just a product, not an ally. And like any product, it can be discarded when no longer useful.

As the Fox news implosion plays out live on cable TV, the whole debacle helps to make a few things more clear in regards to who our allies truly are. Fox News has always been a business, pure and simple. There is nothing inherently evil or wrong about that, we need businesses. However, as a business they simply noticed a gap in the marketplace and set out to fill that gap in order to make…

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A media propagated fallacy. Any increase in covid cases is immediately blamed on the straw man of “other people” not taking the virus seriously.

A media propagated fallacy. Any increase in covid cases is immediately blamed on the straw man of “other people” not taking the virus seriously.

There is a pretty obvious logical fallacy that’s appearing on an enormous scale and I’m sure you’ve encountered it several times as you browse social media or discus the current pandemic situation with friends. It goes like this. There is a segment of the population who either by propaganda or by a simple lack of logic choose to blame any increase or prolonging of the pandemic on other people not taking the threat seriously enough….

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The events in Michigan on Tuesday make it clear. Republican officials need to fear Trump supporters more than they fear the media’s attacks and doxxing.

The events in Michigan on Tuesday make it clear. Republican officials need to fear Trump supporters more than they fear the media’s attacks and doxxing.

Tuesday was a wild day in Michigan and was full of twists and turns, as I’m sure you’re aware. The day started out with the shocking news that the Wayne County Board of Canvassers were deadlocked and would not sign off on the election results due to the many voter irregularities. ??BREAKING: This evening, the county board of canvassers in Wayne County, MI refused to certify the election results.  If the state board follows suit, the…

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Goodbye endless wars. Hello endless pandemics.

Goodbye endless wars. Hello endless pandemics.

It only took about 50 years, but Americans of every political affiliation finally grew tired of endless wars. The constant propping up of some third-world dictator by the MIC to look like the greatest threat to American democracy has finally stopped working. Sure, those in the intelligence community and military leadership still put up a fight when Trump called for an end to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, but very few Americans openly had…

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