With Democrats now spending the last two years playing the race card over and over again, one has to start wondering why they are so obsessed with overplaying this now proven losing strategy going into 2020. The answer is actually quite simple. Many Progressive policies simply aren’t that popular with the black community. But Democrats need 90% of the black vote to win a national election, so they need some strategy to try to keep…
Read MoreSelling war 101: Convince people the opposing country’s leader is insane and can’t be dealt with. This is to shut down any suggestion that negotiations may work.
After Trump’s latest meeting with Kim Jong Un and his historic crossing into North Korea, the war hawks are back out and trying to undermine Trump’s peaceful efforts. The most common trick you are going to see from these war hawks on cable news is to try to convince everyone that Kim Jong Un is totally insane, and therefore can’t be negotiated with because after all, you can’t deal with an insane person. The most…
Read MoreIf Kamala Harris is the 2020 nominee, be ready for the DNC to run a racially charged, divisive campaign that will make Hillary’s 2016 campaign look tame by comparison.
I’ve written about this before and although we still have a while to go before the Democratic 2020 nominee is chosen, I strongly believe the nominee is going to be Kamala Harris. But one thing that troubles me about that scenario is how the DNC will steer her campaign and the possibility that they will use their 2016 blueprint of racial division and identity politics, only this time much worse. In 2016, Hillary Clinton and…
Read MoreThe strange case of a U.S. Air Force veteran shot down over Libya while flying bombing runs for a local rebel group.
In one of the more bizarre and tangled stories to come out in recent months, a U.S. Air Force veteran was shot down in Libya while apparently flying bombing missions against the Libyan National Army (LNA) . The pilot who was later identified as Jamie Sponaugle, 31, from Florida originally told the LNA he was a Portuguese national. But later his real identity as an Air Force veteran was confirmed and reported by the Washington…
Read MoreWhat the first Democratic debates told us – Warren and Harris are the only real players, but which one will the DNC end up sabotaging to help the other?
After watching the Democratic debates for the last two nights, one thing has become glaringly obvious. The only candidates that are ready for prime-time are Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not talking about policy positions at all when I make that proclamation, mainly because most of their ideas are so far left it doesn’t really matter. But instead I am using the metric of “electability” and who at the…
Read MoreWhy Mueller’s testimony will tell us if the Democrats are grasping at straws, or if there is an orchestrated effort underway to maintain the Russia narrative for months to come.
One very important question will be answered on July 17th when Robert Mueller testifies before congress. That’s the question of whether or not Democrats are simply grasping at straws or if there is a long-term plan in place among Democrats, Mueller, and others to keep the Russia investigation going for months to come and most likely into 2020. On the surface, it makes no logical or legal sense to have Mueller testify and answer questions…
Read MoreNotice how everybody who gets busted in a Project Veritas video claims to be taken out of context, but they never follow up and explain what the context was suppose to be.
By now I’m sure you all are aware of the Project Veritas video which shows Google insiders admitting to actively trying to interfere with the 2020 election in order to prevent Trump from winning again. And once again, the person exposed in the video, Google’s Jen Gannai and her supporters have used the excuse that everyone else has when busted by Project Veritas – She claimed her words were “taken out of context”. What makes…
Read MoreThe real reason behind Facebook’s Libra – To trap low income and unbanked users in a system filled with high fees and pitfalls.
Facebook’s announcement of their own cryptocurrency named Libra was not met with much surprise as rumors had been swirling for some time that Facebook would take this step. But the announcement did beg many questions, such as what was Facebook really trying to accomplish with it’s own cryptocurrency. In reality, their coin will be similar to a stable coin in that it will be backed by real assets and pegged to a certain value. So…
Read MoreYouTube citing privacy concerns as a reason to remove the Project Veritas video suggests they are admitting the information in the video is accurate.
The damning video released Monday on YouTube by Project Veritas which showed Google employees talking about how they plan on using the power of Google and YouTube to prevent a “Trump incident” in 2020 has been removed. The reason given when trying to play the video shows a notice citing a privacy claim by a third party. However, a privacy claim would seem to suggest that the information in the video must be accurate. Nobody…
Read MoreAOC’s statement about concentration camps shows how Progressives invent enemies just so they can portray themselves as heroes fighting “evil”.
Normally I wouldn’t bother writing about something as silly as the latest crazy thing that AOC said or Tweeted. Despite the mainstream media (on both sides) seemingly being obsessed by her bizarre rants, I see it as more of a sideshow. However, her latest statement comparing detainment centers at the southern border with Nazi style concentration camps illuminates a larger issue with Progressive culture. I’ve written about this before and it’s becoming more obvious everyday….
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