Peter Thiel started a conversation with his remarks that Google needs to be investigated by the CIA and FBI for possibly treasonous activities regarding their involvement with the Chinese government. Although I applaud Thiel for finally bringing this issue to the forefront, I think many people missed the point of what Thiel was actually trying to say. He wasn’t really trying to get the CIA or the FBI to look into Google’s ties to the…
Read MoreIlhan Omar’s own life is proof of how well immigrants are treated in this country. Her life disproves her divisive race-baiting rhetoric
I’m not sure if it’s irony or hypocrisy keeping Ilhan Omar from realizing that her own life experiences disprove her negative rhetoric about America. If you listen to Omar, you will quickly realizes that she does not like America in it’s current form and in her eyes it must change to be less racist and more welcoming of people of color, especially immigrants, legal or not. But what she fails to realize is that her…
Read MoreYou know how it feels like the world is going crazy and nothing makes sense? That’s what propaganda feels like.
One thing you keep hearing from people is that the world feels like it’s going crazy. Nothing seems to make sense and people feel like they are hearing about things taking place they never would have imagined before. And this feeling isn’t tied to one end of the political spectrum or the other, both sides seem to feel the same way but for different reasons. What people are not realizing is that this is what…
Read MoreModern Progressive ideology is based on the belief that America is fundamentally bad, and America can only be fixed by making it “less American”.
The recent dust up between Trump and the so-called “squad” of freshman congresswomen regarding their beliefs about America has exposed a truth in modern Progressive ideology. That truth is the belief among elite Progressives that America is fundamentally and inherently bad. According to them, America is rooted in racism, oppression, and misogyny and therefore the only solution to fix America is to make it less American. Of course, “less American” means open borders and the…
Read MoreFacial recognition use by the government should be outlawed until someone can make the argument that the benefits outweigh the obvious privacy violations.
Facial recognition technology is being put into use faster than people even realize. Almost everything you do is captured and fed into a facial recognition database somewhere. From social media uploads to point-of-sale kiosks at your local Wal-Mart, it’s all going into a database. That database is then shared and merged with others to the point that a simple “deep fake” machine learning program can create an animated 3D replica of anyone. People simply don’t…
Read MoreTrump trolls Democrats again. Trump won in 2016 on immigration, so the more Democrats expose their own policies, the better it is for Trump in 2020.
Trump set the news world on fire with an early morning Tweet that was one of his best trolling efforts since taking office. In the Tweet, Trump asks why a certain Congresswomen (Ilhan Omar) hates America so much and why doesn’t she choose to fix the country she came from instead of changing America. So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the…
Read MoreAfter the Epstein arrest, Trump’s enemies should be the ones losing sleep.
Most people familiar with the latest Epstein arrest are well aware that his crimes are now going to be used to punish others. This whole thing is not really about Esptein, it’s about who is going to be brought down with him. And while that’s a sad indictment of our legal system, it’s the truth of how the game is played at the highest levels, but at least Epstein will get what’s coming to him…
Read MoreSo who is really behind the “Storm Area 51” viral Facebook page?
As I’m sure you’re well aware, there is a strange and viral Facebook page that is getting international attention for its call asking members to storm the Nevada military base known as Area 51. What has me interested in this particular viral incident is that the narrative explaining who is behind the page doesn’t really make sense, at least not to me. Of course, I will admit I am not the most versed in who…
Read MoreTrump’s goal with the census question was the same as with his 4th of July celebration announcement. Get Democrats to strongly oppose a popular and common sense idea.
With the issue of whether or not to include a question about citizenship on the census survey now seemingly tabled, it’s a good time to look once again at how Trump trolled Democrats into publicly opposing something that most people find to be simple common sense. But first, let’s go back a few days to the July 4th holiday because Trump used almost the same technique to great effect. Before the July 4th holiday, Trump…
Read MoreWith Michael Isikoff now writing about the Seth Rich case, a reminder that Isikoff was a central player in two of America’s biggest disinformation campaigns – WMDs and Russiagate.
Long time establishment hack and CIA mouthpiece Michael Isikoff was back at it again today. This time, peddling disinformation about Seth Rich in a Yahoo news story that surprisingly got a lot of traction by other media outlets. I say “surprising” because the media has shown no interest in Seth Rich’s unsolved murder, but now suddenly they propagate a totally fabricated story Isikoff wrote that claims questions about Rich’s murder were the result of Russian…
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