It may sound strange, but a lot of things we talk about here I actually hope turn out to be wrong. Some of the topics can get a little gloomy and paint a somewhat bleak outlook, but sadly we have to keep vigilant these days to try to avoid those things coming true. For example, just look at the pandemic and how quickly things were taken from all of us. Did you ever imagine just…
Read MoreYou’ll own nothing. First it was phones, now new cars will be able to be remotely shut off or monitored.
I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase “you’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy”. It sounds like a line spoken by an evil villain in a Marvel superhero movie, but it’s actually an advertising slogan for the Great Reset. Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better @IdaAuken — World Economic Forum (@wef) December 27, 2016 The World Economic Forum which is trying to condition the public…
Read MoreIf Ray Epps wasn’t a Fed, then he’d be in solitary confinement like the other January 6th prisioners. Instead, he gets special treatment from Congress and the FBI.
The story of Ray Epps is so outrageous that people should be protesting in the streets over this now exposed false flag event. However, in an ironic twist, the way the government has treated the January 6th protesters in the first place is why people are scared to raise their voice anymore in fear they’ll end up in jail without a trial. You really don’t even have to think about it all that hard to…
Read MoreWho could have guessed? Mandatory app for athletes going to the Olympics in China turns out to have spying components and censorship tools built into the code.
The upcoming Olympics in China are shaping up to be an event where the world can see what China as a country has to offer. For the most part, the includes genocide, slavery, and plenty of mass surveillance. According to the New York Times, the MY2022 app that Chinese officials have deemed mandatory for all athletes to install on their phones is riddled with security “flaws”. However, it’s not much of stretch to believe those…
Read MoreAfter the Supreme Court ruling, what legal justification do states and cities have for their own vaccine mandates?
With the SCOTUS knocking down the Biden federal vaccine mandate for private employers, it creates a big question for some of the biggest cities around the country. What legal justification do they have for doing something the Supreme Court has now said is unconstitutional on a federal level. As you may know, several large cities like New York, Chicago, L.A., and just today Washington D.C. ,have enacted their own vaccine mandates. In places like New…
Read MoreThe fake Whitmer kidnapping case gets even worse for the FBI. Turns out they paid for the “plotters” travel and other expenses.
As if things couldn’t get worse for the FBI over the last few months, the fake Governor Whitmer plot keeps making them look worse and worse. Just to recap, several FBI agents and witnesses in the case have already been arrested themselves on other unrelated charges. Others have also been exposed as crooks and grifters running their own scams on the side. One prime example is a FBI agent who was supposed to be a…
Read MoreWhy the CDC made the ridiculous attempt to try and claim that somehow Omicron slips through cloth masks, but previous variants didn’t.
Even the most ardent CDC supporters have now realized that the agency meant to be based in science has completely lost all credibility, and is now openly peddling fake science. From the start of the pandemic, it was pretty obvious to most people that simple cloth or disposable masks offered little to no protection from airborne respiratory illnesses of any kind. They may provide some small benefit, but hardly worth the fuss that was made…
Read MoreIn the days before the internet and smart phone cameras, guys like Ray Epps would have never been exposed. Makes you wonder what other characters like him played pivotal roles in large events.
The whole saga of Ray Epps and his obvious affiliation with the FBI has led me to start thinking about other events throughout the last few decades. For those who don’t know, Ray Epps was one of the people the FBI designated as “most wanted” and a ringleader during the January 6th protests. However, the media started asking questions as to whether he was employed by the FBI and was actually a paid instigator. Soon…
Read MoreDo recent statements by Bill Gates confirm the Omicron “whitehat” theory?
Last week, we posted an article outlining what is known as the Omicron whitehat theory. Basically, the theory states that Omicron was engineered and intentionally released, similar to the original strain of covid. But this time designed to spread quickly and mostly harmlessly, thereby creating immunity for most of the world’s population in a relatively short amount of time. This would essentially end the pandemic for now. Of course, despite being coined a “whitehat” release…
Read MoreDr. Fauci is the latest government official who makes more money from his “side-hustles” than his main job. Maybe the side hustles are the main job for these people.
It sure is peculiar how all these congressmen, senators, and other high ranking officials somehow make more money on the side than they do from their main job supposedly serving our country. I’m not sure about you, but where I come from, if your side job makes more money than your normal job, then the side job is your real job. Of course, that’s all just common sense, which is in short supply when it…
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