Elon Musk seems to be running more companies than most people can keep track of, all while being spotted partying, traveling, and giving speeches nearly full time. It makes you wonder when he has time to actually run any of these companies. That’s exactly what has fueled recent speculation that maybe Elon Musk isn’t all that he’s cracked up to be and instead is just some sort of front for what are mostly intelligence agency…
Read MoreThe last holdouts to globalism were always going to be Israel, the U.S., and Russia. Israel fell during the pandemic. Now the plan is to weaken Russia via Ukraine.
As I’m sure you’re well aware, the war drums are starting to pound over Russia and Ukraine. But this all started years ago if you remember, when the establishment forces around the world painted Russia as the global villain pulling all the strings. If you watched any newscast from 2015 on you probably think that all Russia does is hack the world and install their puppet leaders in every western government. In fact, the propaganda…
Read MoreBiden’s “free” test kits start shipping. The catch is they’re made in China (of course).
Despite Joe Biden’s claims over a year ago that he would end the covid pandemic, his administration finally got around to sending out free test kits as the pandemic now enters the third year. But of course, it wouldn’t be a Joe Biden deal unless China was somehow getting rich or benefiting in the process, and that’s exactly what’s going on with the test kits. The test kits being sent out are the iHealth kits,…
Read MoreWhat happened to modern satire? Now all satire shows just blindly push the establishment talking points.
I feel bad for younger people who now have to grow up in a world without access to proper comedic satire. This isn’t to say the world was perfect in the “old days”, but if you are old enough to remember the days before the internet, you do realize there is a distinct difference now. One of the biggest differences I have noticed is the complete lack of genuine satire and parody on television or…
Read MoreThe framing of every covid mandate as a way to “protect others, not yourself” was just a backdoor method to demonize anybody who opposed or questioned them.
Like a lot of things with covid and the pandemic, we are realizing most everything we were told was based on lies meant to cause some sort of psychological response and compliance. The latest is the fact that everyone is now waking up to the fact that vaccines and masks were never really about protecting “other people” and they were just framed that way to shame people into complying. By telling people you need to…
Read MoreCrime out of control? Philadelphia has 100 carjackings in 20 days. Previous average was 230 for the whole year.
Something we have mentioned on this site many times is how the lockdowns seemed to have had the unintentional consequence of causing crime to skyrocket. It’s all so new and since the lockdowns were mostly an unprecedented event, sociologists and criminologists still don’t fully understand why this happened, but it clearly has. The main theory is that the extended shutdowns combined with the uncertainty and doomsday scenarios put out by the media and the government…
Read MoreThe fact that an entire generation of kids was allowed completely unrestricted access to extreme porn shows that nobody in government cares about you or your family.
As governments continue to tell you that they care about you, all the while restricting your freedoms and destroying your livelihood, there is something that shows how little politicians really care about you and your family. As you’ve probably read or seen elsewhere, online porn has become a huge issue that seemingly no politician or leader ever talks about. Something that seems very strange considering every other cultural topic and “culture-war” issue are talked about…
Read MoreThe only time Netflix was ever cash-positive was during the lockdowns. Maybe that’s why tech companies never want the pandemic to end?
We’ve written about it before on this site, but the pandemic and the subsequent lockdowns have now become a giant industry and those benefiting from it likely don’t want it to ever end. Of course, they probably won’t get the final say in things, but these companies do have a big megaphone and are able to pump out their propaganda to try to help their cause. The latest example is from Netflix which put out…
Read MoreThe Hangover – People are realizing that every government enacted covid measure just made everything worse. Things would have been better if they just did nothing.
If you’re anything like me, you can feel it in the air. You can call it a shifting narrative, or even a zeitgeist, but it’s clear that some of the most die-hard covid doomers are now waking up to reality. And they are indeed “waking up” in the sense that many people, nearly half the population, were in a trance-like state created by propaganda and fear mongering. I suppose you can’t really blame them. When…
Read MoreSo what’s the opposite of a conspiracy theorist? Is it someone who believes that most people in positions of power are working for the good of mankind?
As the terms “conspiracy” and “conspiracy theorist” are more and more demonized, it got me wondering about what exactly those terms mean. I suppose the most basic definition of a conspiracy or a conspiracy theorist is the idea or belief that powerful people often conspire for their own gain or to help forward their own plans, often at the expense of people not involved in the conspiracy. A perfect yet simple example of this would…
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