If there’s one buzzword that has taken over during the pandemic, it’s probably the word “misinformation”.
Basically, anything the mainstream media or big-tech doesn’t agree with suddenly gets labeled as misinformation. Even when there is no data to support either side of an argument, the establishment simply declares anyone they disagree with as spreading misinformation, and then they get banned or censored.
But it seems this is only a one-way street. The media and social media companies have no problem posting breathless headlines that are completely unfounded and almost always are later proven false.
The latest example is that of “Deltacron”. Yes, it sounds like a straight-to-Netflix low budget sci-fi movie, but instead it was what the media was calling a supposed new variant of covid-19.
The reports were that the Delta and Omicron variants had somehow merged into one, with the worst parts of each then being shared by one single virus.
It sounds like science fiction, and of course, it turned out to be actual fiction as about a week after being first reported, it is now being described as most likely the result of a lab mix up, and no such thing as Deltacron actually exists.
Okay people let’s make this a teachable moment, there is no such thing as #Deltacron (Just like there is no such thing as #Flurona) #Omicron and #Delta did NOT form a super variant
This is likely sequencing artifact (lab contamination of Omicron fragments in a Delta specimen) https://t.co/DDvM24bt9g
— Krutika Kuppalli, MD FIDSA (@KrutikaKuppalli) January 9, 2022
But that didn’t stop the media from publishing headline after headline about it. Social media companies made no effort to stop it from trending on all their platforms. It was all complete misinformation that the media could have easily fact-checked, yet they ran with it as if it was solid news.
I think you probably already see what’s going on here and have noticed this for the last two years. When a fake news story fits the establishment narrative, they have no problem running it without any confirmation or context. For example, anything that ramps up the fear surrounding covid gets immediate coverage, even if totally unconfirmed.
Rumors or initial findings that show covid-19 may be less dangerous, or if there are fewer people hospitalized than reported, those things are all immediately labeled as false and are said to require much more proof before being accepted.
So in essence, fear mongering requires no confirmation or fact checking according to the mainstream media’s playbook.
This goes back nearly two years to the very start of the pandemic.
Remember when the media had the country quarantining their own groceries and packages because of false claims that covid-19 lives on surfaces for 30 days?
There was no scientific basis at all for this claim, virtually no flu-like virus lives that long on surfaces, and it was later shown it most likely only lives a few moments on surfaces.
The entire pandemic news cycle for the past two years is filled with stories exactly like that. Huge fear mongering headlines that are clearly misinformation are eagerly peddled by the media. But whenever a story comes along that questions their narrative, it is suddenly labeled misinformation.
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