A common tactic by agencies such as the FBI, CIA, and NSA is to make sure the public knows exactly how completely surveilled they truly are. Many people now believe this is the reason behind the Snowden leaks and other revelations that show just how powerful these spy networks are. It’s a way to indirectly flex their muscle to deter people from speaking up or taking any other action. This is also common in dictatorships…
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The media’s star treatment of the Facebook “whistleblower” should tell you everything you need to know. Facebook wants regulation so no competitors can enter the space.
The news program 60 Minutes aired a carefully produced segment last night with a supposed Facebook “whistleblower”. While on the surface, this may seem like the media has finally jumped on board to shine a light on shady tech giants, but in reality that’s not what happened at all. In the interview, a Facebook employee known as Frances Haugen explained how Facebook puts profit ahead of the “public good” with the way they run their…
Read MorePhase 2 of China’s global takeover has begun. Phase 1 was covid.
I’m not sure how anyone paying attention still can’t see that we’re in the midst of a Chinese takeover of America, and therefore the western world. It began with the release of covid that by all accounts was created in a Chinese laboratory, then released. Some try to soften the news of a lab release by claiming it was “accidental”. But what wasn’t accidental was how China intentionally covered up the release for months so…
Read MoreThe EcoHealth story about using nano-particles to infect bats shows how these deranged scientists are obsessed with secretly injecting mass populations.
It was another story that ties Dr. Fauci to the origins of the pandemic, so of course it was mostly ignored in the mainstream media. Dr. Fauci’s favorite company, Eco Health which he used to funnel money to Chinese researchers was recently reported to have submitted a proposal to DARPA. In that proposal, they wanted to use skin-penetrating nano-particles to infect bat populations in China in order to research how certain coronaviruses could be made…
Read MoreWas Biden’s vaccine mandate a giant bluff? It impacts 100 million Americans but his administration has never mentioned it since.
As we’ve written here several times, the Biden vaccine mandate EO is almost certainly unconstitutional and will be struck down by the Supreme Court if fully implemented. However, it seems like the Biden administration is aware of that fact as well and are hoping to simply bluff their way to compliance. This was no small executive order either. The new rule would impact at least 100 million working Americans and tens of thousands of businesses…
Read MoreDr. Fauci was never fighting the virus. Everything he’s done has been to obscure the evidence which shows he’s responsible for the entire pandemic.
The entire situation with Dr. Fauci and the pandemic is so perverse that I don’t think we’ve been able to wrap our heads around it just yet. It’s one of those things that’s so big, it may take time for everything to sink in and finally realize how insane and illogical the whole situation was. It essentially all boils down to this. Dr. Fauci clearly was responsible for the funding and research that created covid-19….
Read MoreSimulation theory is pushed in pop culture by tech-billionaires so you reject spirituality and instead accept technology as your new god.
It’s no secret that tech billionaires want to become the new masters of the universe. As they enjoy being the wealthiest people on earth, they also enjoy the rush of power that comes from controlling massive amounts of information. With that information, they can control opinions, trends, and now even politics. In a way, tech firms have become more powerful than governments. We see it in America, where every tech firm has banded together to…
Read MoreIf you suggested Dr. Fauci had sold out to the CCP, you were labeled a conspiracy theorist. But now we learn it’s much worse, even the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is a CCP sell out.
I suppose at this point it may be easier to single out who isn’t a CCP sell out in our government as opposed to trying to name all of them that are. Of course, incidents such as Congressman Eric Swalwell sleeping with a known Chinese spy may seem like simple tabloid stories, but they tell us how completely the CCP has infiltrated all aspects of our government. For those unaware, Congressman Swalwell was sitting on…
Read MoreThe argument for Biden’s vaccine mandate could just as easily be applied to forced birth control for poor minority women. This is why it’s so wrong.
It’s dangerous language and historically proven to be a slippery slope, yet we are hearing it more and more. That language is regarding what is necessary for the “greater good” and public safety. Right now, it’s all about the vaccine and vaccine mandates. President Biden has signed an executive order mandating that all companies with over 100 employees force those employees to be vaccinated or face termination. Of course, the reasoning is that it’s all…
Read MoreA legal explanation for why the Biden vaccine executive order is unconstitutional.
As we await the full details of Biden’s executive order on mandatory vaccines, much of what we already know is unconstitutional and therefore illegal. Without going into excruciating detail, the overall legal problem with the Biden EO is that it essentially tries to use private industry to perform an action the federal government is not constitutionally allowed to do. Such acts violate the 14th Amendment. In a somewhat ironic turn of events, this legal argument…
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