The Democrat’s debate plan backfires – The more controlled debate format benefited Trump. Biden’s rambling answers were a stark contrast to Trump’s focused and sharp attacks.

The Democrat’s debate plan backfires – The more controlled debate format benefited Trump. Biden’s rambling answers were a stark contrast to Trump’s focused and sharp attacks.

It looks like the Democrat’s plan to rig the debates in a way that would undermine Trump has backfired spectacularly. Much news was made in the lead-up to this debate about the newly implemented “mute” button which would allow debate moderators to mute any candidate they wanted if they felt the candidate was interrupting too much. Of course, this was aimed at Trump. The goal was to try to catch him on camera continuing to…

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Trump knew Biden’s plan was to drop out of the next two debates and claim it was because of Trump’s “lying”. Now if Biden backs out he will look like he couldn’t take the heat.

Trump knew Biden’s plan was to drop out of the next two debates and claim it was because of Trump’s “lying”. Now if Biden backs out he will look like he couldn’t take the heat.

Trump definitely brought the fireworks for the first Presidential debate of 2020 on Tuesday night. From the start he madeĀ  it a point to not let Joe Biden’s fake talking points go unanswered. But Trump was also tasked with keeping moderator Chris Wallace in check as well. Wallace has often been critical of Trump, despite the fact that Trump is the only candidate who was willing to sit down with Wallace for a long form…

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