With the bipartisan Senate Intelligence Committee reporting earlier this week that they found absolutely no evidence of Russian collusion between the Kremlin and the Trump campaign, it brings up an interesting question. That question is, now that the Russian collusion narrative has been deemed totally fake, will YouTube classify all those videos by CNN and MSNBC promoting the fake Russian narrative as “conspiracy theories”. You see, just a few weeks ago YouTube publicly announced that…
Read MoreDemographic shifts may not benefit Democrats as much as they think.
For some time now conventional political wisdom has said that as American demographics change, Democrats will reap the benefits of those changes. The thinking goes like this. Current minority groups are growing faster than the current majority population of those who classify themselves as “white”. As minority groups such as Hispanics grow larger, they will most likely vote liberal or Democratic, or at least that’s how the thinking goes. But there is one flaw in…
Read MoreThe case of Jussie Smollet has the Chicago PD between a rock and a hard place.
The case of Jussie Smollet, the Empire actor who claimed to be the victim of a racially and politically motivated attack in Chicago, is putting police between a rock and a hard place. As I’m sure you are aware of the story by now, Smollet claimed he was attacked in the early morning hours in a wealthy area of Chicago. During the attack he alleges that he was called racial and homophobic slurs, as well…
Read MoreAn explanation of the Progressive savior complex.
Trying to dissect the exact thought process behind the ideas of the modern Progressive far-left is nearly impossible. From bizarre gender identity pronouns to trigger warnings, not much of what they stand for makes sense anymore. But I wanted to touch on one aspect of the current far-left thinking because I think it’s rooted in something we can more easily identify and once pointed out becomes obvious to see in many of their other outlandish…
Read MoreIf you want to save the world, it may take more than 10 pages.
Today Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) released her much hyped Green New Deal and frankly, I’ve seen grade school book reports that had more thought and effort put into them. At a total of 14 pages, more like 10 if you don’t count the cover, introduction and nearly empty last page, the Green New Deal is one of the most bare-bone and empty documents you will ever see. Considering how complex the topic is, ranging from transportation,…
Read MoreBernie is about to be “berned” again by the Democratic establishment if he runs in 2020
As much as I disagree with Bernie Sanders on most everything, I think I’m about to almost feel a little sorry for the guy. In 2016 Sanders got shafted – There is really no other way to put it. The entire DNC, led by Hillary Clinton and her installed cronies at the DNC conspired to undermine Sanders’ campaign at every turn. This isn’t some conspiracy theory either. Instead it was proven in the leaked Wikileaks…
Read MoreThe key takeaway from the SOTU was the stark contrast between Trump’s presidential command of the issues and the Democrats pouty and whiny behavior.
If one thing is clear after the President’s SOTU, it’s that his performance drew a stark line of contrast between himself and those opposing his policies. In the media, where things are often twisted, Trump is made out to look like an out of control leader and his opposition on the left are simply trying to bring sanity back to the situation. But when placed in the same room, and without any propaganda or censorship…
Read MoreHow the left leaning media inadvertently red-pilled Howard Schultz along with plenty of independent voters.
With likely 2020 candidate Howard Schultz wrapping up his week long media tour, one thing is becoming clear. The left-leaning media has inadvertently red-pilled Schultz along with plenty of other rank and file centrist Democrats. Schultz did the traditional tour around leftist friendly cable channels and news shows. All of these interviews went about the same. On The View, he was attacked for being a billionaire. On MSNBC Morning Joe, they tried to catch him…
Read MoreWith the 2020 Democratic candidates already attacking each other, how will old white men like Biden or Sanders defend themselves?
It’s only been about a week since Democratic hopefuls started announcing their candidacy in 2020 and already it’s looking like a trainwreck. Most recently, former CEO of Starbucks Howard Schultz decided to use 60 Minutes to sell his candidacy to the American people. Unfortunately for him, it didn’t go over to well with his own liberals on the left. At a press event on Monday, it was less than 30 seconds before liberal hecklers in…
Read MoreAfter the choreographed arrest of Roger Stone, don’t expect the Mueller probe to end anytime soon.
If it wasn’t so sad, the staged and choreographed arrest of Roger Stone last Friday would almost be comical. The sight of FBI agents in full body armor, night vision, and machine guns approaching a 66 year old man in his pajamas to arrest him was so over-the-top that even long time Trump hater Bill Maher admitted it was too much. But what this arrest and now unsealed indictment tells us is that the Mueller…
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