When the pandemic started, the media along with progressive officials would often tell us of a new normal we all have to adapt to. Sadly, at the time they left out the part about this “new normal” being mostly an explosion of crime that would impact every major city in ways never-before seen. Normally, Christmas time would mean shops and businesses having their stores fully decked out with holiday decorations, lights, and Christmas trees. But…
Read MoreImagine if 10 years ago I told you that to attend a pop concert, you would need 2 injections of a new drug and a negative test result.
Pop star Adele has a new single that is topping the charts and she has an upcoming residency planned in Las Vegas to perform a string of shows, with tickets on scalping sites running as high as $35,000. But what makes this newsworthy other than the ridiculous ticket prices is just how restrictive the rules are in order to attend her concert. In order to attend, one must be fully vaccinated, with proof (2 shots…
Read MoreIf the government mandates you take a new drug and then refuses to release data about that drug for nearly 100 years, you may not live in a free country anymore.
Whether or not Americans actually live in a free country was debatable even before the pandemic. Every aspect of our lives is tracked and surveilled. Our movement is tracked, our purchases are tracked, our money is tracked, and even our communications are spied on in a wholesale manner. So whatever freedom we still did cling to, it was fleeting at best. But as we all know, the pandemic may have just been the death blow…
Read MoreWith the public seemingly not buying into Omicron, expect the establishment to move to more forceful methods to keep the pandemic going.
The media launched Omicron into the public sphere with what can only be described as a full-on marketing blitz. Despite being detected months ago, the media chose the Thanksgiving holiday here in America to launch it, a time when people would be huddled together and ripe for a breaking news story to dominate table conversation. But there’s only problem. Most of the public is not buying into it. Perhaps it’s just overall pandemic fatigue or…
Read MoreWhy the new Twitter CEO will most likely end up destroying the platform, which will be a win for free speech.
It didn’t take long for the super-woke new CEO of Twitter to start implementing bizarre new polices which essentially gives Twitter the flexibility to remove any post they want. Not more than 24 hours after being announce as the successor to Jack Dorsey, Parag Agrwawal implemented a new policy stating that any image or content containing a private person may be removed under new guidelines. The new policy is sold as a way to stop…
Read MoreIf the technology you use everyday doesn’t offer you any resistance, it means you’re doing exactly what the creators of that technology want you to do.
There’s a little test you can use to find out if your behavior is being subtly controlled by technology and the people who create it. It’s very simple and I’m sure it’s something many our usual readers are familiar with. When you use social media or other technology, does it offer you any resistance? For example, do social media media platforms shadow-ban or censor you? Are you constantly struggling with your phone or PC to…
Read MoreThe Thanksgiving Day Omicron media blitz is starting to look like it was an experiment to gauge the public’s reaction.
We all know the establishment covid cabal loves to destroy and ruin traditional Western holidays. Ever since the pandemic started, officials seem unusually focused on restricting how people choose to celebrate or worship during traditional Western holidays like Christmas, Thanksgiving, or Easter. Governors and officials like Dr. Fauci have even gone so far as trying to restrict what instruments you’re allowed to play in your own home during holiday gatherings. Even more bizarre, before this…
Read MoreIt all makes sense now. Dr. Fauci has managed the entire pandemic like one of his deranged experiments.
As more reports come out detailing the bizarre and freakish experiments carried out under Dr. Fauci’s direction, it sheds new light on his behavior during the covid-19 pandemic. From torturing puppies to nightmarish experiments where monkeys were psychologically tortured, Dr. Fauci and his coworkers at the NIH are being exposed for the monsters they are. These people have moved off the path of acceptable science and into dangerous and frightening new territory usually reserved for…
Read MoreJust like the lockdowns, the supply shortages only hurt the poor and working class. The wealthy ruling class is completely unaffected.
As supply shortages grow around the country and even around the world, there’s a striking similarity to the shutdowns we all just endured during the over-hyped pandemic. Both of these things disproportionately disrupt the poor and middle class, while leaving the wealthy totally unscathed. The lockdowns were without a doubt one of the worst decisions in public policy over the last 100 years. Cities around the country are now in chaos as a result and…
Read MoreAnother conspiracy comes true. New UK law will mandate electric car chargers be connected to the internet so they can be shut off or monitored remotely.
That didn’t really take long at all. If you’ve been suspicious about the push for all-electric vehicles, your suspicions have been confirmed. Many people realized rather quickly that the real reason for all-electric cars wasn’t because of environmental concerns. But instead, it was an excuse for more centralized control over people’s lives and their ability to travel. It all starts with a new law looking to take effect next year in the UK. The new…
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