As governments continue to tell you that they care about you, all the while restricting your freedoms and destroying your livelihood, there is something that shows how little politicians really care about you and your family.
As you’ve probably read or seen elsewhere, online porn has become a huge issue that seemingly no politician or leader ever talks about. Something that seems very strange considering every other cultural topic and “culture-war” issue are talked about and fought over incessantly.
Porn addiction is now a huge problem, and sadly it’s among teens and young adults. Recent studies have shown that children have their first exposure to porn at the age of 11 years old, which is shocking.
Pop star Billie Eilish recently said in an interview that porn “destroyed her brain” at a young age and caused her to do things she otherwise would have never done. The admission went viral as many of her fans agreed.
Excerpt from her interview:
“As a woman, I think porn is a disgrace,” I used to watch a lot of porn, to be honest. I started watching porn when I was like 11.”
“I think it really destroyed my brain and I feel incredibly devastated that I was exposed to so much porn.”
So you would think that with such a menace being available online and completely without any restrictions to kids as young as 11, that politicians would be up in arms looking to regulate it or at least make it an easy “culture-war” topic to score cheap points.
Yet there isn’t even a peep about. It’s as if it doesn’t exist.
This just proves that politicians and your government don’t care at all about you, your family, or basically anything else. If they don’t even care about protecting kids, then they basically don’t care about anything meaningful.
But why? Why is the issue of online porn so off-limits? It’s clearly not because porn itself is a taboo topic as porn has essentially gone mainstream. So that’s not it.
There seems to be a deeper reason, it’s almost as if once the porn industry went virtually free-of-charge and online, that they got some sort of protection where nobody in power dares to speak about it.
It also seems weird that a handful of companies can offer porn for free, on a level where many of the top sites are equal to popular social media platforms in terms of traffic, yet they have no real method for making money.
The server costs and bandwidth to have similar traffic to a popular social media site is enormous. Social media sites can handle this due to their income and astronomical stock prices. But how do porn companies pay for it all? With those little ads on the side?
So there’s something shady about the online porn industry and the way that no politician ever dares bring it up.
So the next time a politician comes on TV and claims something they are doing is for your own good, you know that’s just impossible. If they don’t even care about protecting millions of kids, they definitely don’t care about you.
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